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I have Lionel’s WM Shay on my bench. The crank shaft drives the front and rear trucks and the tender wheels as well. It has become disengaged in the middle with the front truck engaged but the rear truck not moving. I can push the front and rear sections of the crank shaft together but when operating, they come apart and only the front truck wheels are turning.  Has anyone else run into this. I’m not looking forward to removing all the connecting rods to pull the crankshaft.  Let me know if you have any suggestions. Ed

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Loctite 660 is a good suggestion.

What I'd try is to clean ALL the grease off the assembly, then use some retaining compound like Loctite 660 to fit that shaft end into the crank where it has separated.  Leave it for 24 hours and see if that solves the issue.  It's very important to clean EVERYTHING completely and after the application and assembly to let it cure thoroughly.  Make sure you have the crank in the proper position in relation to the other pistons as you won't be moving it after the retaining compound sets.

@Davety posted:

Update: I received the Loctite 660 and applied it Sunday afternoon. I got the part all put back together and made sure I didn't get any on the moving pieces. I let it sit for 24 hours as suggested by Gunrunnerjohn before lubing and installing it back on the engine. I was able to run it for about 1 hour yesterday and it was working correctly. Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.

Here the gears are put back together and the Loctite 660 is drying.20190804_144128

Great! Just took the assembly apart and I’ve degreased and cleaned the parts. Tomorrow I’ll pick up the loctite at the hardware store and reassemble things with the 24 hour drying time. My friend is bringing his layout to a train show in St Albans, Vt. and he’ll be happy to have it running! Thanks so much!

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