Pat, Maybe we are talking over each other. Serial data is internal and not riding on the TMCC signal from the command base. Serial data is the R2LC talking to the motor driver, smoke unit, Rail Sounds etc... Even in conventional mode there is serial data. TMCC signal is talking to the R2LC receiver (one way). Serial data and the TMCC signal don't rely on each other. Chuff is and internal function. There is no chuff TMCC signal. G
Indeed, we are talking over each other, …….you are 100% correct, we know that the R2 or R4LC receives the TMCC signal, that signal is a command that is then sent down the data stream. If the signal is convoluted in any way, odd commands can be sent down the data stream. That is what can cause odd behaviors. Not saying that’s the case here, but I can prove it. I had a broken ground prong on the the cord that plugs into my wall socket on my layout. I had different issues with different engines. Mostly erroneous whistle blasts, or refusing to blow the whistle, or ring the bell, and a few of them would miss chuff. I had no problems running the engines, just odd behavioral issues,……
The discussion has been interesting, though I don't always follow it. However, I think I am not alone.
Here is the video I mentioned yesterday with the K-Line Hudson running outdoors on a single loop of track. The sound never cut out during 15 minutes of running whether I had the smoke on or off.
This evening, I placed it on the layout using the level lower loop. The sound cuts out randomly. By that I mean sometimes it cuts out once per lap, sometimes more than once per lap. The cut outs happen at different spots on the loop, never the same place twice. It is obvious to me it has something to do with my layout, which I will work out after I fix the switch that makes the observation car truck derail.
Marc, Try a battery and see what happens. G
@GGG posted:Marc, Try a battery and see what happens. G
George, it’s got the equivalent of a YLB ( Your Last Battery ) installed in it already.
I had an idea after I left the train room. I’m going to disconnect the outputs of the DCS TIU and the GRJ watchdog circuits from the layout. Then run the TMCC base and power only. Maybe there is an interaction between the two systems. 🤷♂️
Any progress Marc? Also begs the question do other Lionel engines do this on your layout? G
@harmonyards posted:I heard the sound drop outs too, …..I don’t like that either, …..when I test ran the engine on my layout for hours on end, I never once experienced a drop out, or I would’ve never sent it out ….that’s one thing that drives me nutz!…….it ran amazing on my layout,…’s a video of how Mark’s smokes, ….it has a wee bitty leak, but the effect is so cool, Mark & I both agreed to leave it, as it’s actually an added feature,…when Mark gets his track work fixed ( I believe he’s got a misbehaving switch or something ) and he runs that locomotive some more, if he’s still got drop outs, I fix it, plain & simple,… guys wait long enough for this stuff, so I’ll deliver perfection….
Once the guys at Lionel see this clip ou can expect another smoke feature in their next production run.
George, I ran it on the upper loop of my layout with the DCS TIU disconnected only running TMCC. The sound still cuts out at random intervals. I Reconnected the TIU. I have one TMCC Pacific, one Legacy GP7, and one Weaver ERR RS3 that I ran last evening. All of them pulled the same train over the same route, and all ran fine without any sound cut outs. I packaged the Hudson last evening and emailed Pat I will send it back. I still have doubts about my layout, since it ran fine for Pat. He can see what happens there. Thank you for your ideas
Hi Mark, have you gotten your Hudson back from Harmon Yards yet. We are all waiting for a resolution to your sound drop out problem.
Hi Duncan! Thank you for asking. I just was emailing with Pat this past weekend. He said it seems it was a problem with reception of the antenna system. He is going to now give it some lengthy running and if it passes, send it back to me. Since almost all my engines are MTH, I never thought of the reception.
Great to see a resolution. My Hudson is in for upgrades as well. Keep well.
Thank you, Duncan! I'm glad too! I'll post here once I have the engine back and run it a while.
I'm glad yours is in the Shops!
@Mark Boyce, Mark, that’s a beautiful Hudson, the sounds are great, the smoke is good. Pat will get it up to speed, he’s a fantastic repairman, and I’ve been to his home and oh what a workshop… He did the re-make of my K-Line hudson several years ago and it runs great… I like the outdoor video, really cool… Happy Railroading Everyone (Here’s Pat)
Larry is correct, Pat is 100% on top of things. When my L1 had been shipped back, FedEx had some problems with the shipping label coming off and it going to be heading back to Pat. On my end it had initially said that it was going to be rescheduled originally, but then it had said something about heading back to him. I messaged Pat and he already was on it. He chatted it up to find out what was going on with them, told me, and they reprinted the label. Pat had then told me to let him know if there was any hiccups with the delivery. It came through a-okay. It is this attention to things that make me smile, to know that everything will always be alright. Every shipment that has come from Pat has never had any issues with packing or delivery(the L1 being the only hiccup).