The track loops are completely independent of each other, does the WTIU, albeit thru separate inputs, somehow combine the two transformers to a point where the phasing is required? (Ex. ZW 1 to WTIU Fixed 1 to Loop 1, ZW 2 to WTIU Fixed 2 to Loop 3)
Thank you for your clarification on the ZW and sine waves. New to the entire DCS/TMCC world and learning as I go along.
Even IF they are independent loops, internally it's one box (the WTIU) so if the transformers are out of phase, you have that 36-40V potential between channels.
Again, as I said, even if you think you are isolated- the risk of running 2 transformers out of phase and sending a peak voltage of 36-40V into component rated for no more than about 22V is a sure fire way to have a bad day.
Phase your transformers or only use a single multiple output transformer- such that it is near impossible to get out of phase and that killer 36-40V condition.