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Resistance was futile. They ganged up on me. Here are a few test runs of my newly installed DCS & TMCC gear. Also my Reading Camel Back by CMC is in process of receiving new ERR DC Commander & Railsounds boards. It runs jerkily at the very slowest speeds for some reason, but smooths out as speed picks up. My friend Ryan is still trying to figure that one out and we are open to suggestions.




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Our buddy Arno recently filled a few shelves up with Marx, I think he can handle my TMCC Camel Back
Originally Posted by hojack:

"Time to come out of the dark ages"...  Like the whole smart phone thing I guess, I'm holding out as long as I can but eventually the old dog will have to learn a new trick.


CMC on DCS, whoa, I'm having paradigm confusion... wait til Arno sees this...




Originally Posted by Steve "Papa" Eastman:

Resistance was futile. They ganged up on me. Here are a few test runs of my newly installed DCS & TMCC gear. Also my Reading Camel Back by CMC is in process of receiving new ERR DC Commander & Railsounds boards. It runs jerkily at the very slowest speeds for some reason, but smooths out as speed picks up. My friend Ryan is still trying to figure that one out and we are open to suggestions.





Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

You made a good decision, Steve!  I don't think you'll regret it.  Adds a whole new dimension to toy train operation.

Yes, I agree Allan. Steve got me into tinplate and since I could get it with DCS I did and started playing. I then brought Steve into the DCS age as I showed him how well this all works. I just love the sights, smoke, and sounds of the tinplate in DCS running at slow speeds. I find it relaxing to the point I have been buying more tin than plastic for the most part lately. I was happy to help Steve get the DCS/TMCC set up and it was great to see the smile on his face when we were running trains in DCS/TMCC.

An update on the jerky Reading Camel Back. At Ryan's suggestion, I installed a 10 amp, 10 ohm resistor between the board and one of the power feeds going to the engine. Smoothed it out nicely. I do not understand how it helps, but it did the trick. Now to get a Fatboy speaker to stick in there and we can button it up.
Originally Posted by Steve "Papa" Eastman:

. Also my Reading Camel Back by CMC is in process of receiving new ERR DC Commander & Railsounds boards. It runs jerkily at the very slowest speeds for some reason, but smooths out as speed picks up. My friend Ryan is still trying to figure that one out and we are open to suggestions.






Originally Posted by Steve "Papa" Eastman:
Our buddy Arno recently filled a few shelves up with Marx, I think he can handle my TMCC Camel Back
Originally Posted by hojack:

CMC on DCS, whoa, I'm having paradigm confusion... wait til Arno sees this...


So, I saw this the other day... no, not April 1st... the planets have not mis-aligned... So what is going on? Steve, really? I thought you would go kickin' and screamin'! What's next, TMCC in the Commadore Vandy wind-up?


I'll get you back when I post my favorite Marx loco on the other thread.



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