OGR. I need some help getting in touch with an OGR forum sponsor. I have tried 4 different emails over a month, sending them to the sponsor's posted contact web address. I have all of them returned after 5 days on each one because of no action on the email I sent. I have had excellent interaction with this specific sponsor in previous years with no issues.
I do not like to use the Forum to post issues with a sponsor or their product. I prefer to keep the issues that most likely can be resolved by personal contact. The email was a request on what I can get or purchase to repair one of their products.
Can you suggest a way to contact this sponsor?
I had a long weekend of poor to no internet connection, even sites I could not log off of, but I'm back.
As posted above I do not like to use the forum to post issues with sponsors. I try to work with them first which usually works. This sponsor stated in their Website to use their email for service which I tried many times. I finally got through by phone today and the problems with making a connection (prior to my lack of internet connection) with the manufacturer/supplier is resolved, AND the product issue is being taken care of. Happy end of story.