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Sorry about the previous post.

I have now added my first ideas of a layout for the new room.

see attachement

Any thoughts or improvements would be great!

Thanks again Buzz




I am adding a 20X20 addition to my home.

I will have available 20X15 for a layout. Any suggestions.

I will be connecting from the present basement through the wall.

I though of around the walls with a possible peninsula. 

I thought that the connection from the present basement to the new room could be a bridge descending down to the new layout and then the new layout going under that bridge.

(Similar to John Armstrong's Quachita & Ozark plan)

Any ideas or thoughts?


Thanks Buzz


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Last edited by GG1 2340
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I always like these posts.  I wonder if there are similar threads on art forums:


I have 24" x 36" blank canvas and some new oil paints.  I thought about painting a bowl of fruit.  Maybe I'll show a window in the background.  Any ideas or thoughts?


Sorry, that's meant to be a humorous reply with no malice intended.  I did try to come up with some legitimate ideas, but the question really is too broad and open ended.  If you're really having planners block, I suggest at least throwing a basic layout up and you'll get more responses.  People here seem much better at the improvement suggestions than planning layouts with wide open parameters.  We need something to start from.

GG1 2230.....when you open rrt open the plan you posted here as a rrt file.


now if I remember correctly go to file and choose bmp file and save to documents then download that file to a new reply message and we can all enjoy.

if I missed a beat is due to being on a Mac at the moment and rrt software program friendly not so much as I care not to use windows on it. hope this helps you.



Matt, Thank you. I was going to try to export it tonight. Sorry for all the confusion, I'm not as computer savvy as some. Ok does anyone have suggestions or improvements? The new addition is at the top of the drawing and part of my old layout is towards the bottom. The bottom area was an old station scene and I am thinking about using that area as a yard or staging area. Well anyway, any improvements or suggestions from anyone would be great. Buzz
Originally Posted by MichMikeM:


.  If you're really having planners block, I suggest at least throwing a basic layout up and you'll get more responses.  People here seem much better at the improvement suggestions than planning layouts with wide open parameters.  We need something to start from.

Minimium radius? type of layout? wants?

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude.


If you're looking for someone to design a layout for you from this forum, probably not going to happen. There are people who get paid to design, and build layouts, but most people here just share information. We can offer suggestions, ideas, and knowledge based on past experiences, based on your wants and needs of a layout.


I have a thread on this forum of the layout my Dad and I are building. We struggled with track plans for a long time, and when we started with ideas, I posted them here for thoughts, and suggestions. We had over a dozen different plans we tinkered with in the beginning. We're over a year in to the construction process now, but we also toyed with the track plans for a year before we started working. A LOT of things we have done to the layout is from information/techniques we learned here from others, watching and reading their posts. That's why I post on here, to share my experience and techniques, most of which were learned here.


You have a great start with the RR Tracks just getting the room laid out with doorways, walls, and a few tracks. Keep going with that, save each one, and compare, post them here for review and suggestions. Patrick has a natural talent of designing and building large layouts, so having his attention now is definitely a positive.      

Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude.


If you're looking for someone to design a layout for you from this forum, probably not going to happen. There are people who get paid to design, and build layouts, but most people here just share information. We can offer suggestions, ideas, and knowledge based on past experiences, based on your wants and needs of a layout.


I have a thread on this forum of the layout my Dad and I are building. We struggled with track plans for a long time, and when we started with ideas, I posted them here for thoughts, and suggestions. We had over a dozen different plans we tinkered with in the beginning. We're over a year in to the construction process now, but we also toyed with the track plans for a year before we started working. A LOT of things we have done to the layout is from information/techniques we learned here from others, watching and reading their posts. That's why I post on here, to share my experience and techniques, most of which were learned here.


You have a great start with the RR Tracks just getting the room laid out with doorways, walls, and a few tracks. Keep going with that, save each one, and compare, post them here for review and suggestions. Patrick has a natural talent of designing and building large layouts, so having his attention now is definitely a positive.      

I'm not looking for someone to design anything. I appreciate your thoughts and insight. Thank you

Sometimes when you start designing things, others see problems that you cannot see because of narrow mindedness.

I have another plan I have designed and hope to try to post it shortly.

I understand that the forum helps with problems others have encountered, just trying to get some input from the pros on this forum.

I would like to go with 72 radius, around the room, small station scene, small city, and maybe a small industrial siding.
Originally Posted by Patrick H:
Originally Posted by MichMikeM:


.  If you're really having planners block, I suggest at least throwing a basic layout up and you'll get more responses.  People here seem much better at the improvement suggestions than planning layouts with wide open parameters.  We need something to start from.

Minimium radius? type of layout? wants?

Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:

 Patrick has a natural talent of designing and building large layouts, so having his attention now is definitely a positive.      

Lets not get carried away now.Glad you think that,but  most people here forgot more than I know. Just trying to give some ideas of a basic outline.

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