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I have dismantled my old layout and while I'm making a tinplate layout, I have room for a narrow layout to run some postwar with a bunch of operating accessories. I have researched the thor website and several others. I appreciate any opinions you might have. I will be using O ga tubular and some postwar switches. I have room for 32-36 inch width and about 16 feet long.



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Thanks for all the replies. Your layouts look great. I wish I could go wider but I'm have to keep the aisle width at a 3' foot min between the tinplate layout. My plan is to put the accessories on varoius switches so grandkids can operate them. I don't have a lot of postwar engines or rolling stock, but I have many accessories. I just kept buying stuff after getting back into trains about 12 years ago. Items that I could not afford when I was a kid. I didn't reallty think about where to put them,lol. My wife loves plasticville so a postwar style layout is in play. Carl, I like the idea of seperate loops. keep the ideas coming.


CP BOB posted:

Thanks for all the replies. Your layouts look great. I wish I could go wider but I'm have to keep the aisle width at a 3' foot min between the tinplate layout. My plan is to put the accessories on varoius switches so grandkids can operate them. I don't have a lot of postwar engines or rolling stock, but I have many accessories. I just kept buying stuff after getting back into trains about 12 years ago. Items that I could not afford when I was a kid. I didn't reallty think about where to put them,lol. My wife loves plasticville so a postwar style layout is in play. Carl, I like the idea of seperate loops. keep the ideas coming.



I thought you could just work in the switches for spurs along the straights of the double loops to create the necessary track for an operating accessory. You could isolate the left loop from right loop side and have two trains running and power the switches and accessories off of separate power.

That way two grandkids can run a train simultaneously and others could operate accessories. Just hide the controllers for the 4 loop switches for your use only.

There is room for 6 switches on each straight on the front on each loop. That way, they are within reach for fiddling. Mount doorbell buttons on the front fascia or frame board.

Things like the gateman or lighted signals and such could be on the back side triggered by an insulated outside rail.

So, it depends what you want to put out. Get the accessories out and set them on the table and see what works and what you like.

You could also fit a reduced length Inglenook in one loop for some train switching games with some O72 switches.(they have the right radius).


Moonman posted:

Search through here - Thor trains

O31 on the ends - perhaps a O72 snake on one side for the train to move a little

Two separate 8' loops, perhaps joined by switches with different themes/accessory groups ie., coal on one side and lumber on the other


or one loop


modify as needed

I like the second scenario.  It allows the train to reverse direction.  You can install four long sidings by inserting four switch tracks, one on each leg of the "X".  This way you could have sidings for operating accessories.  

OK, I found one thread on door layouts.


Below is some pictures of my 027 layout.  I wanted a retro layout to display and operate my vintage 027 equipment. If I had to do it over, I would make a few adjustments.

This is an overview of the layout, its 42 inches wide

Big shot


This is a shot of the yard area.  While it is powered to allow an engine to operate,  I never do.  It basically used to operate the accessories.  The tunnel does not accommodate the GP9.  

Overview of yard

I have three 1122 remote switches,  I never use them.  They, along with the controllers are a bit temperamental.   

right view

I do love the low-profile look of 027 track.  I bought a lot of used track and cleaned the up,  the patina is amazing.  I added extra ties and ballest.  



These two operating track sections are next to each other, I am going to redo this to add a spacer track.  They are two close to be able to operate cars next to each other.  

two operating sections

I have an upper level.  While larger engines like a GP9 can negotiate 027 curves, the curves are too close to the bridge on the upper level to provide proper clearance.  The outer siding makes the layout wider,  without it, the layout would be require only about 32 inches.   

upper layout

This is the yard,  with several operating cars and accessories. 

Yard 1


In  another room, I have a shelf display,  I pack a lot of accessories and operating cars on it.  for some of the accessories, I use light switches to turn them on and off.

Shelf 1Shelf 2

Hope this helps!


Images (9)
  • Big shot
  • Overview of yard
  • right view
  • Shelf 1
  • Shelf 2
  • Track
  • two operating sections
  • upper layout
  • Yard 1

Dave, I like the idea of your shelf layout for operating accessories.  I've done some thinking about that type of layout myself, while I am still in the design stage of my future attic layout.  

I have loads of operating accessories and finding a perfect place for them on a typical loop type layout can be tricky.  

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