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I bought two 153-IRs NIB back in the mid-80s, and as far as I can remember they both worked back then.  Fast forward 40 or so years, and I just got them back out of the box.  I got the first one to work just fine with my original 145 gateman.  I was trying to set the second one up to run the 2324 Operating Switch Tower.  I can't get it to activate the little guy to go downstairs.  The lights come on (and stay on as they should), but putting in the wire to the NO connector results in nothing.  If I stick the wire in the NC connector, the little guy is activated (the IR doesn't work to deactivate him).  I've tried switching the wires and nothing.  I will be switching the possibly bad 153-IR out with the working 153-IR for a test soon, but does anyone know how I can determine if the IR electronics are dead?  I played around with both turn knobs for length and sensitivity to no avail.

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