I needed to populate my board, so I ordered (you can guess the zon) 50 of them for $10, knowing they would not work. Very good deal! Men, women, kids, sitters and standers. Most men in dress suits w/ tie, but some others. Cut some clear plastic from the case they came in and glued them to a small circle I cut out. They are perfect for stations, towns etc. They really don't have faces, but most visitors will not get down and inspect them....for less than a quarter each, they work. I also could have gotten 100 for only $4 more, I may still order some. Maybe I will create a miniature graveyard! Or a car accident scene. Or, city wide protesters with signs and marching. The ideas are endless...well, I hope they end soon. (if you need pictures let me know.)
I also found out that Goop, the stuff I stuck them to the plastic with so they could stand, works great to simulate ice patches. (Probably any clear silicone would work.) Just put a blob on a road or parking lot, wet your finger, and smooth it into a thin patch. For my winter scenes, it simulates ice well, maybe I will make a small skating pond with it.
Best of luck with your projects, Greg