Barry, I believe the issue is that if you select absolute, it only send absolute steps. However, the TMCC mode in the Legacy sends a mixture, which is why you never see the ramp-up RPM issue using Legacy in any of the TMCC compatible modes.
I didn't realize that you could have 32 step mode and relative commands, thanks for that little tidbit.
I don't see how it send absolute mode commands in 100 step mode, as the TMCC specification only has 32 speed step capability in the command set. The Speed command data field only has five bits for the speed, that gives you the 32 steps.
Given the way that relative commands work for TMCC, I don't see any functional difference between 32 and 100 step mode using relative steps. At least with the CAB1 or CAB2, relative steps just keep coming as long as you twist the dial.
There is also an advantage to using the mixture of relative and absolute speed mode commands, Odyssey I locomotives tend to run better using the CAB2 TMCC mode than using the CAB1 or the CAB2's CAB1 emulation. However, using absolute speed steps from the DCS remote doesn't handle the diesel RPM correctly, so you can't glean that benefit.