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I just listed the last of our IVES factories on ebay. I assume since the proceeds will all go to the Society for non-profit activities the moderators will not have any issues with this post.

These factories were made in lithographed sheet metal by Jerry Loman at Sunset Trains. They are stunning and large. Dimensions are 21 x 8 3/4 stack 11 1/4 inches. They look wonderful on any tinplate layout. So go bid to help out a collecting society who gives a lot back to the hobby!

Ebay Item # 290655590298

Only 53 were made and were only available to Society members. This is the last one and they will NEVER be made again!
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Yes, it is a neat building but I don't think it is worth $300 plus.

Another example of high prices caused by weird "toy train collectibilty". Some things just get out of hand...

For $300 I'd expect a litho pattern on the roof. I'd also be more impressed if it had more of a prewar style to it, the litho version of the windows and ivy just don't have the same feel of say an original Ives power house. Overall it looks too modern.

IMO, not quite right and way overpriced (at least the Ebay bidding and York sales).

All that said, I do have an example of the little station made a few years ago for the Ives Society. That they got right and carries the feel of a prewar Ives piece.
Would the Ives Society be willing to sell scale blueprints as a possible reoccuring revenue stream? Say around $15-20? It's a little high, but the proceeds would benefit the society.

The item on the bay is past my pain threshold but I'd be willing to build/scratch build as a project with my daughter. Whether in O or Standard Gauge.

Kind Regards,
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