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Have you considered building around the lolly column?  You could have a walk in U thats 20' X12' X 16'  Each section would be 48" wide along the wide axis with a 48" center isle that you could fill in as needed.  My room is 28' X 15' and I have O84 loops offset on each side.  My center isle narrows down to about 30" in places. 

Had Mom&Dad up for awhile. So back to work, after looking and rearranging I just didn't have the room, so I split one table down the middle. Now I have 20' long by 6'wide with a L shape on door end 12' long and 4' wide I now have plenty of room to walk around the whole table. If you can still help with a track plan it's very appreciated. If I have to sell my couple of 072 engines so be it. I have 072,60&36 curves 2 ea of 36,48&72 switches

once again 


I could still add maybe a 2'x4 on the L extension


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You could still keep the O72 if you add an extension to the side of the 20' long section to support the track where the circle of track sticks out.  O72 needs a couple extra inches to allow for clearence.  Look at my layout and think about having a loop at one end of the 20' section and one at the other connected by turn out to the 12' X 4' section that you can use for a switching/ staging yard. 

hey halibut75,

Well, by walk around, I was hoping you could float something away from that long wall and the end wall and walk around all four sides.


if you have one of the 072 engines easy to get out for a test, build a loop out of the corner that I attached.


I tried to make the largest curve radius using an easement. So, on the outside, there are only 2 060 it has to get through.


Oops. I think I used some 048's in the inside to make it as big as possible. I am just trying to lay out something to get a feel. I don't know where it's going yet.


But, make an oval of two of the 072/060 semi-circles and see if your big engine runs through it. probably a diesel yes, a loco maybe.


Let me know. Oh, is the table correct? (test full) Also, if you use the start point coordinates, the roadbed should be very close to each edge. Let me know if you think it is too close.




Images (3)
  • Halibut75 new test
  • Halibut75 new test full
  • Halibut75 new test door end
Last edited by Moonman

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