Originally Posted by Hot Water:
What my be even cheaper, try glueing 1"X 4" lumber into an "L" shape. I purchased only one box of wood screws and a large bottle of TightBond Professional wood glue. After making about 8 "L" shaped legs, I removed the screws and a week later made 8 more legs. The whole layout is thus made out of 1"X 4" lumber, with virtually no screws for all the legs. Cheaper than crooked 2"X 4" legs.
You must have a good source of decent grade, unwarped 1x4's. I've searched for that, and either find common grade junk that wouldn't work as you indicate, or better grade that would be more expensive than my solution. I've even tried ripping 3/4 plywood into strips and assembling them into an L, and still get the warping issue, sometimes even after the L is formed.
I've found common lumber quality comes and goes - the LVL's seem to be consistent. And, I can put an adjustable caster or glide on the bottom with just a Tee-nut.