This 44 year old real railroading focused model railroad layout was designed for doing railroad operations to keep the engineers busy with operation, switching, reversing, coupling and uncoupling, operating multiple trains and includes many operating accessories, all to keep up interest in running and watching trains and improving the layout.
This layout track plan incorporates all the expanded basic track plan categories used for model train layouts. Conventional control with 3 LW transformers and 1 to 3 engineers. It has three interconnected loops and can make an L shaped loop allowing looping of trains. The plan has an oval and figure 8 and a double dog bone giving four ways to reverse trains. Multiple trains can be operated by 1 to 3 engineers on three loops with three transformers. Five trains can be operated with two loops having 2 trains on 1 track systems.
The layout can be operated in a point to point manner and has a PTP trolley track. It has several bypass tracks which can serves to park trains and serve as sidings. The layout has a turntable to reverse locomotives and spur and whisker tracks to store them. The outside loops have a Wye to allow reversing of trains. The outside loop has a bypass hidden track to allow trains disappear and reappear or store hidden trains. The layout has three bridges.
The layout has 31 remote controlled track switches, 21 uncoupling/operating track sections and 16 operating accessories including Gantry Crane. This layout is portable. It does not have an elevated track yet.
Main Figure 8 Board 11ft – 2 in X 5ft - 9in,
New Dogbone Board 7ft – 6 in X 4ft – 7 in
I decided my layout track plan is combination of multiple closed loops, the dogbone, the figure eight and the point to point. I also concluded my layout has many features of railroading and operating track plans and my layout includes the below features.
Real Railroading Layout Track Plan and Operational Features
Conventional Track Control
Multiple train operation w/ 3 LW transformers, 1 to 3 engineer’s, 1 to 5 train operation
Track Diagram Control Panels to find and operate track switches, uncoupling and isolated track sections
Multiple Interconnected loops w/ outside loops forming L shape loop
Dogbone - allows reversing in both directions
Figure Eight combined with a loop and four switches allowing reversing in both directions and allows figure 8 running without switching
Remote operated Marx 1590 track switches, 31
Remote operated uncoupling/operating track sections, 21
Remote operated isolated track sections to store trains or cars
Point to Point operation, including PTP trolley system
Operating Scratch Built $10 Turntable w/Pit to turn engines around
TT Whisker or spur tracks to store engines and cars
Wye to allow turning around trains on outer loops
Spurs or sidings
Bypass siding tracks which can serves to park trains and serve as sidings
Bypass hidden track to allow trains disappear and reappear or store hidden trains and hidden storage
Two loops have 2 trains on 1 track systems allowing five trains to be operated
Bridges - Three – 1 plate & 2 girder bridges
Tunnels in Mountain - two ports in and four ports out
16 Operating Accessories including Remote Control Portal Gantry Crane
Portable Layout construction to allow moving and/or storing layout
NO Elevated tracks
NO Transfer Table
NO Trestle