I recently purchased the Lionel Legacy C&O 4-6-0 from a Forum member and really like the way it looks and it runs flawlessly. I notice that the volume while sounding very nice is lower then any of the MTH engines on the layout and gets drowned out when I start the other engines up. I have checked the volume pot, it is up all the way. I have tried raising the volume with the Legacy controller and it doesn't get any louder, but does get quieter if I turn the sound down, I assume that means it is the max it has going in to it. Anyone else notice this with this engine? I had heard that Lionel had gotten a bad bunch of volume pots recently, but this engine has been out for a couple years so not sure if a pot replacement will help. Anyome else find the volume gets stepped all over by other engines?
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i have that engine and had not noticed sound issues. I can run it at a high volume and the sound does not get distorted. Normally, I do run it at similar volumes as my other legacy engines.
I will run some tests over the weekend while I am running trackers with the trackers at the B&O. I will let you know if I notice an issue.
i have that engine and had not noticed sound issues. I can run it at a high volume and the sound does not get distorted. Normally, I do run it at similar volumes as my other legacy engines.
I will run some tests over the weekend while I am running trackers with the trackers at the B&O. I will let you know if I notice an issue.
Thanks Chris, the sound doesn't get distorted, it sounds clear and good, just the volume gets drowned out by the MTH engines. I will put the remaining Legacy engine I have that is not in for repairs on the track today and see if that gets drowned out also. Might just be the volume levels of Legacy are set lower then MTH and I will need to drop down the volume on the MTH engines when running Legacy engines at the same time..
Thanks for the clarification. I will run it with the MTH engines to see how iremember when I run trains this weekend.