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Hello everyone,


Last bid of planning for the layout is the diesel facility area which I have devoted a good bit of space.  Curious to see what others have done in both terms of fueling/sanding platforms, and modern style sheds.  Wanted to get a good idea of the buildings prior to committing to track plan.  Thank you in advance for your time.

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Hi Marty....


Here is a picture of what I am doing.  The buildings are meant to be older instead of the more modern diesel sheds because I want to be able to vary the era to older diesels when I want to....and many of the older shop builds have survived into the modern era.   If you right click on the picture and then click "open link in new window" you will get a full page view.






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  • DSCN0403 are welcome anytime....just let me know when you would like to visit. The transfer table you see is actually two Lionel #350 transfer tables put together with 3 extension tables.  There are transfer tables available that are large enough for multiple units but most of what I saw on the prototype, usually only one locomotive could be moved at a time.  So....I decided to see if I could use the Lionel unit.  I cut out a half inch depth area in order to insert the table into the quietbrace top then before inserting the table, I put standard foamcore into the cutout and then the table on top of that.  This made the table bridge exactly the correct height for the Atlas stub/service tracks.  I decided to use both bridges even though most likely that is not prototypical but it does add visual interest.




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