Hello all, am attempting to connect the 153 directly to track. Hopefully the picture shows my setup. Iv soldered 2 leads to the outside rails and connected them to both outside posts. The center rail attached to center post. The idea is for the switch points to touch either outside rail to light respected light. Not working. Course not. So what am I missing please?
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Studying your wiring, it would appear that you have this arrangement set up so that both the red and green signal are illuminated constantly regardless of switch position. Both lights are connected to the common outside rails which are connected together. What you are trying to do works best with traditional tubular non-derailing switches where you can connect the three posts on the switch directly to the three posts on the signal. It looks like you have some kind of Gargraves or Ross switch. Perhaps there is some kind of switch machine available that can do something similar.
First I don't use 153s because of the size and limitations. See video below.
these signals were design to be triggered by weight; meaning as car ran over the signal contactor.
Also the bulbs are 12 V without the resistor and 6V if it has the resistor.
To do this with out a switch machine and relay i think you'd need a limit switch set to the rod connecting the points such that when it reaches the diverging position it actuates the switch and illuminates the red light, another one for the normal line up such that when it reaches that position it lights the green...unless the limit switch has a normal contact that would do that once it was off the diverging connection.
Here's the way I have it wired up. I tried the track track sensor but it was not consistent. BTW: the big rectangle is a relay. Just a note: I have in my notes a comment that the red and green wires MIGHT need reversed. Can't remember if I changed the diagram to show the correct wiring or not. Small change.
- walt
If you are going to answer an electrical question with an electrical diagram containing a "relay," it would sure be nice if you explained what type of relay was used and also explain the purpose of the DC power pack involved. Unlabeled or unexplained features will only confuse the OP.
The 153 signal and the O-22 or 711 turnouts are made for each other. Hook the three wires from the signal to the three thumb screws on the switch motor and your are all done. The signal changes when the switch throws and indicates the position of the points.
Thank you all!
it's a DC relay, thus the DC power supply to it. I thought that would be obvious from the diagram showing a DC trannie.