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I have occasionally encountered overly tight clearances on postwar couplers, sometimes due to excess material along the horizontal mold parting lines. I was able to correct it with careful filing using small jewellers files, referencing other normal couplers as a pattern for comparison and fitting.


Do the couplers in question open and close OK when not engaging another coupler? As previously mentioned, a straight-down photo would show us more.

Is this a dummy GP-35 unit? I ask as the coupler looks like a mechanical magnetic unit rather than an electro-coupler.

Is the coupler a bit stiff if you operate it manually? If so, then this could be the problem as it looks as though it is moving to the side rather than closing. If this is the problem, then a little bit of graphite powder and a few dozen rapid manual operations should free it up. Many couplers are a little stiff when new, but this soon eases with use.

I treat all of my couplers to a dash of graphite as soon as I receive them, and so far they all operate perfectly. The electro-couplers on my GP-35 are actually some of the smoothest operating couplers that I have. 

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