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My LC+2.0 steamer (an 0-6-0) and RS3 had minimal cab features. The 0-6-0 had a shiny black cover to hide the electronics and the RS3 just has cab figures. You can see all the wiring and motor flywheel in the RS3.

I see it as an opportunity to improve the models. I like adding details like that so it's all good to me. The locomotives are also outstanding runners at a sweet price so I'm very happy.

My LC+ RS3 from 2017 has crew figures and the visible motor and wires are shrink wrapped in a flat black material. The inside of the rest of the exposed cab is painted black so it looks perfectly fine.

I'm just a little surprised that the Amtrak LC+ 2.0 for $500+ dollars would not have something similar. Just think they could have done a much better job at hiding the exposed wiring than they did and it would have been at a minimal cost. Maybe the camera angles make it look worse than it is.

I guess I'm just spoiled from buying LC+ models for less than $200 before the inflation started.

Obviously the OP is very happy with the locomotive so that's all that counts. It is very nice looking. I may have to pick one up.

Thanks Sparty1225 for posting.


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