Just checking, these are supposed to have Cab interiors correct?
other than that I really Like it, pretty good weight to it, looks sharp, love the ditch lights
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I'd say from the position of the wire inside the cab that they didn't think there was room for a cab interior.
Yep gunrunner you are exactly correct. Lionel confirmed. No biggie just was curious Incase it was supposed to.
You can probably create a home-brew interior with some cardboard or Styrene sheet that will look better than a cockpit full of wires. Cut the figures in half and mount them so you have someone in the cab..
Wow, I can't believe they would do that. I for sure thought something was missing. They could at least have put a couple figures inside with their heads glued to the ceiling or something simple to cover some of that wiring. Maybe a simple floor pan would have done the job
My LC+2.0 steamer (an 0-6-0) and RS3 had minimal cab features. The 0-6-0 had a shiny black cover to hide the electronics and the RS3 just has cab figures. You can see all the wiring and motor flywheel in the RS3.
I see it as an opportunity to improve the models. I like adding details like that so it's all good to me. The locomotives are also outstanding runners at a sweet price so I'm very happy.
My LC+ RS3 from 2017 has crew figures and the visible motor and wires are shrink wrapped in a flat black material. The inside of the rest of the exposed cab is painted black so it looks perfectly fine.
I'm just a little surprised that the Amtrak LC+ 2.0 for $500+ dollars would not have something similar. Just think they could have done a much better job at hiding the exposed wiring than they did and it would have been at a minimal cost. Maybe the camera angles make it look worse than it is.
I guess I'm just spoiled from buying LC+ models for less than $200 before the inflation started.
Obviously the OP is very happy with the locomotive so that's all that counts. It is very nice looking. I may have to pick one up.
Thanks Sparty1225 for posting.
No cab interior.
I'd 3D print an interior for mine EXCEPT dont know if there is enough space with the wires. I hate taking these engines apart.
And dont know what comprises an Amtrak Genesis cab interior.
@BillYo414 posted:
I see it isn't. Hmmm, well FWIW, I just put those words in the search box and got oodles of hits. " Amtrak Genesis cab interior photos " Cab looks like an office desk!
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