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Hello all,

I recently took acquisition of one the Lionel L-1s that arrived. Took all the precautions and tips that I saw from everyone before running, and have had no running issues at all. Today however, the front headlight seemingly went dead. I only noticed it because I saw no light come out of the tunnel except for the green footboard lights.

Quick check using Aux 2 on the remote didn't fix anything. All of the other lights on the locomotive work just fine. I'm not quite sure how to reset the locomotive, as I'm using I think the first gen TMCC system (I'm more of DCS person.)
If the LED is dead (which I suspect it is,) is there a simple fix or an easy replacement part? I'd rather not have to go through the service process for a single LED.

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A reset in TMCC world is usually just a “reprogramming” of the ID then entering “AUX1” AND the code from the manual. For Legacy engines its usually AUX1 + 1 or 2 for steam or diesel. But a few years ago they started just needing a new ID.

So for this one, it should just be:

1) power off track
2) switch engine to PGM
3) apply power to the track
4) on remote press ENG, NN, Set (where NN is your ID)
5) power down track
6) count to ten
7) change the run/pgm switch back to RUN

Then reapply power to track and address engine as usual.

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