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It will be nice to have a Lionel 2 bay sized correctly.


These were the P.R.R. and L.V. Car numbers that delivered to the Conway Coal yard between 1937 and 1947.


P.R.R. Car numbers.
138141, 138700, 139942, 140779,145592, 147013, 152806, 154133, 155693, 155898, 155924, 156801, 158494, 158656, 159462, 160322, 160942, 162668, 164691, 165099, 165108, 165231, 165566, 165821, 166169, 166713, 167261(2), 167318, 167531, 171145, 174338, 185494, 190501, 196982, 197176, 199183, 199359, 202704, 204716, 205902, 215002, 215397, 250420, 250521, 250638, 250749, 256509, 309963, 685530, 701707, 703103, 703245, 705512, 708244, 719194, 727950, 728587, 728767, 729743, 748828, 749401, 892873, 891645, 893534, 897257,

LV Car numbers
14302, 14730, 15122,15627, 15689, 17484, 17823,17904, 17936, 18445,18844,18966, 19030, 19083, 20357, 20647, 20651, 21114, 21810, 21943, 22705, 22949, 23218,24344, 25456, 25822, 42134, 42314, 42485,


None of the other road names delivered here.

Originally Posted by Keystoned Ed:

Has there been any change to a projected March shipping date?

The Charles Ro website is showing an ETA of 4/10/2015 at their store... which would be consistent with Lionel shipping from NC at the end of March.  I have a bunch of Polar Express hoppers on order, so we'll see if they make it in time for Christmas this year (since they already missed the mark for last year ).



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