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For me (and hopefully many of you), the LionMaster line has hit a sweet spot bringing big steam to small layouts.  Our railroad at home has a unique layout built around our sectional couch downstairs but thanks to the wizardry of the wheels of LionMaster engines, we can enjoy all sorts of epic engines.

We have a fair amount of LionMaster steam locomotives in our roster.  I'd first like to share one that I've managed to modify.  As I reside in the home of Union Pacific, it should come as no surprise that we like the Big Boy quite a bit.  But I was bummed to find that only scale models exist of 4023, which acts as an ambassador on the hillside welcoming people to Omaha.  So earlier this summer I decided to renumber, rework the pilot deck, and swap sound cards to make our very own LionMaster Legacy Big Boy #4023!   Made a video on the how and the why if you're interested.

I'd like to share more of our LionMaster engines here and encourage you to do the same if you have (or had) one!  T-1 Duplex, Class A, Challenger, there's a bunch of great ones and we'd love to see some LOVE for the LionMaster line!



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Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
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I just love Lionmaster. Over here in the UK our houses don't have basements or large lofts so the compacted Locos made under the Lionmaster banner really work for me.The selective compression process which seems to be accurately shared across all models is some of the best and most consistent I have seen. I have one of every locomotive type produced with the exception of the Challenger where I have 3!!  I love Challengers!!

Sadly all are packed away at the moment as the layout is coming down pending a house move. It would be great to see some others on here and especially any that have been weathered.

While I am on Here - Merry Christmas everyone - Love this forum. I read it every day but rarely post...


Last edited by mike w

I have pre-ordered a LionMaster Hudson as well!  I was about to get the older TMCC version before I heard the announcement.  Once that arrives I'll have one of every kind of LionMaster steam engine they've made.  Class A, T-1 Duplex, Cab Forward, Challenger, and Big Boy.  Which one did you order, MikeW?

And greetings from across the pond, Raising4!  I don't have any weathered LionMasters but since you like Challengers (as do I!) I'll share my favorite.  It's a TMCC Challenger #3976 that I added smoke shields to.  The later Legacy Challengers included them but the early TMCC ones omitted this key component.  Really glad I added them to this as it really dials in the look!



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Too much rum in the egg nog!  Oops!

I had three Challengers for a short time.  3976 was my first, figured I'd add some more color to the line and found a Rio Grande example with the green boiler.  Then stumbled upon a deal for 3985 that I couldn't pass up.  Realized that 3 Challengers was a little excessive so I sold the Rio Grande.  Kinda wish I hadn't since it had whistle steam, but the two to keep were these two Union Pacific examples.  Love them both!

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