sam, you shouldn't give up so easily, before you've even started! Seriously, there are lots of great commercial model builders on the forum list who would do your layout proud. but, frankly, I have to say, there's no more satisfaction in model building than doing it ( or trying it) yourself. it is not anywhere as difficult as you think. you do not need most of the tools you suggest. I have built dozens of structures, both kits and scratch, have never used an airbrush, used simple chalks and the classic mix of alcohol & India ink for weathering, no jigs, and on the more simple structures, didn't even have to draw on my patience. your example of bar mills kits is a great example as they are some of my favorites. they make kits from incredibly easy which of course, is a good starting point, not to mention, inexpensive ( in case it doesn't work out) to the fairly complicated (which admittedly, does require some patience). but it is all worth it. some of the best modelers on this forum, use these simple methods so there's little reason to make it more complicated. start with wood, a bar mills specialty, and then you might broaden out to styrene, resin and hydrocal. wood is very forgiving. hard to really mess it up. with a decent exacto knife, some spray cans, acrylic craft paint and some weathering, you'll be surprised what you can accomplish. and, if not, you can always hire someone 