Are you thinking of Blackhawk Films?
Are you thinking of Blackhawk Films?
If you can turn 765, then you could also turn 2716 ! Or any other C&O 2-8-4! WOW...really gets the mind to churning!!
Poppyl...what are the titles of your three Blackwater films?
Are they just scenes from a larger video?
Do you know if these videos are still offered?
What I have are snippets from several "old" video tapes of WM steam that I picked up at a yard sale quite a few years ago. While most of the action is around Hagerstown and Cumberland -- Knobmount; Maryland Junction; the Narrows; etc. with some Frostburg and Helmstettler's thrown in, there is some action included at Bayard and Thomas as I mentioned previously.
Unfortunately, I have no idea who shot the film originally or converted it to tape. One of these days I'll have to convert the tapes to digital and then on to my computer.
If you are looking for Blackwater Canyon action (and if my memory hasn't failed me again), there was a video out some time ago that I think was titled "Western Maryland Railway Memories" or something like that that had one shot of a steam drag going up the canyon along with later diesel action. I have no idea if it is available anymore. "Allegheny Rails, Vol II" is another great DVD of big WM steam but it is focused primarily west of Cumberland.
Lots of still pictures available out there but not a lot of video.
Thank you Poppyl
In the future if you should decide to convert your tapes to some sort of digital format, please send me a PM, as I would be very interested in purchasing a copy.
I have a copy of Allegheny Rails, Vol II and it is an awesome film for a Western Maryland enthusiast like me.
I DO recall that conversation, Ed. I did not remember the turntable length, however. At 100-feet we could turn the 765 there.
The question is: How would it GET there?
I DO recall that conversation, Ed. I did not remember the turntable length, however. At 100-feet we could turn the 765 there.
The question is: How would it GET there?
What do you mean "How would it GET there?"???? How does the current WMSR BIG 2-8-0, "GET there"?
I DO recall that conversation, Ed. I did not remember the turntable length, however. At 100-feet we could turn the 765 there.
The question is: How would it GET there?
What do you mean "How would it GET there?"???? How does the current WMSR BIG 2-8-0, "GET there"?
It doesn't... It's ALREADY on the property!
I DO recall that conversation, Ed. I did not remember the turntable length, however. At 100-feet we could turn the 765 there.
The question is: How would it GET there?
What do you mean "How would it GET there?"???? How does the current WMSR BIG 2-8-0, "GET there"?
Hot Water, you are missing the point.
The rhetorical question is "How would it GET there?" and the answer is the 765 would not.
For CSX does not allow any type of steam movement on their tracks.
Especially when the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad is mentioned.
So...the bottomline, the NKP 765 would never be allowed to get to Cumberland in order to make the same trip as the 734.
I will save you time of asking "Why does CSX take a dim view of steam movements and the WMSRR?"
I suppose one could speculate all reasons why, derail this posting, get Rich involved...blah, blah...
...but my simple answer is: I do not know.
The reasons why do not matter, the facts remains unchanged.
What I do know is CSX does not as recent past actions support the facts.
Thus my point and my humble opinion that if the 1309 will be allowed to operate on the WMSSR, will not be transported by rail.
IMHO, it will be partially disassembled and brought Ridgeley, WVa by truck(s)
But more to your point, yes the 765 could travel up the same tracks as 734, be turned on their 100' table and could travel back down the same tracks.
Technically, that would not be any issues at all.
In fact, it would be pure pleasure to see Rich blow the 765's whistle at the Cash Valley Road grade crossing and roll around Helmstetter's Curve.
I will not see that happen in my lifetime.
Thanks Bryan, that too was what I meant when I said the 2-6-6-2 on the WMSR is just a dream. I wish Hot Water was right and I am wrong but fear not.
It was several years ago when it was mentioned that 765 would fit on the table at
Frostburg. It was so long ago that steam was sill allowed on CSX.
I think that if the folks at WMSRR want 1309 at their railroad there is certainly should
be a way to ship it to Cumberland, even by rail, just not on the rails, maybe a
heavy duty flat car?
Heavier locomotives than this have been truck shipped, so I do not see lack of cooperation by CSX as an insurmountable obstacle. Still difficult of course.
I would love to see this happen. If so, would this then be the largest true Mallet in operation? Would like to see some modern data and possible experimentation with compounding.
I'm thinking (hoping, at least) that the WMSR people will have taken the CSX steam ban into consideration. They're certainly aware of it...
Latest news about more Steam for the WMSRR:
Unfortunately, the internet is full rumors and we here at the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad do not support the spreading of such rumors.
The facts are that we are considering a second locomotive, and one of which we are considering is the 1309.
We have talked with the B&O Museum about the 1309, but don't have any other word at this time about the acquisition.
I can confirm, however, that we have also looked at 3 other options for locomotives at this point.
As soon as we have any facts to report, we will do so and Facebook will be one of the first places we post any news.
Michael Gresham, General Superintendent, WMSRR
I thought Michael Gresham offered excellent response to a direct question about the rumor surrounding the 1309.
I feel this goes to show the professionalism and class of the staff at the WMSRR.
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