I just bought the 3rd edition of Your book with my new WiFi for that purposes alone with the picture on it and then I see the download comes out special edition for WiFi ?
The first book's 3rd Edition was first published In October of 2013 to coincide with the release of the Standard version the DCS App, The 3rd edition was an update to the 2nd edition and added, among other things, an addendum for the Standard version of the DCS App. The primary purpose of the 3rd edition of The DCS Companion remained, and still remains, using DCS with the DCS Remote. The book will never go beyond the Standard version of the DCS App. The picture of the app on the book's front cover shows that the DCS App was included in the new edition, however, the main focus of the book had not changed.
The Premium DCS App was released a few weeks ago, The new book, The DCS WiFi Companion is not a "special edition" in any way. Rather, it's intended to provide the same function as the previous book,except from the viewpoint of the, now complete, Premium version of the DCS App. It does not address use of the DCS Remote at all. It shares some of the basic background stuff regarding DCS in order to be a complete, stand-alone book. The new title identifies the new focus of the book: The DCS WiFi Companion. The WiFi is even in orange to make it stand out.
Each book serves a different purpose. If I had combined the two books, the result would have been more than 350 pages, harder to use, and quite expensive as a print book. It would have been constantly jumping back and forth between using the remote and using the app to accomplish the same things. Even more difficult would have been the progression of the information itself, since the context of using the two devices is very different.
The first book is intended for those who use, or plan to use,DCS primarily with the DCS Remote. The section regarding the Standard version of the DCS App acts as an introduction to DCS WiFi using the DCS App.
The second book is targeted for who will use the WiFi capabilities of a smart phone or tablet to operate DCS with the full, Premium version of the DCS App. MTH is moving away from the dedicated remote aspect of DCS, as they have stated publicly at York.
If you bought the 3rd edition of The DCS Companion to use only the Standard version of the app, you don't need to purchase the new book. If you plan to use DCS with the DCS App instead of the DCS Remote, the new book is what you should consider purchasing.
That's two of your books and here is another one.
No, there are only two books, period.
The first book, The DCS Companion, has gone though 3 editions over 8 years. Since the second edition the book has been available as both an eBook and a printed book. The eBook and the print book have identical content. When any of the 3 editions were updated in-place, the eBook version was a free download for previous purchasers of that edition.
The second book, The DCS WiFi Companion, was released last week as an eBook. It will be re=released, hopefully next week, as a slightly updated book. The update to the eBook will be available free to those who previously purchased the eBook. Further, the plan is to release, at the same time, a print version of the book, with identical content to the revised eBook.
I had some hard choices to make as regards how to write a book about the Premium version of the DCS App. I chose to make it a stand-alone book rather than a bloated all-in-one. I'm looking to the future of DCS operation. I think the first book does a good job describing what's come before.
You may have a different opinion, to which you're certainly entitled.