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My plans have had to change on my around the walls layout, now having to augment the ton of MTH Realtrax I already have, with a bit more, even though it is not considered the best.  I have enough 54 inch curves, and room for 72 inch  curves.  The plan is simple, double track with two changeovers, one on each side of the room using 072 turnouts, one extra passing or siding on one side, and a few dead end spurs here and there.  In the corners, I would like to maintain a look of realness, and not have a massive change in track separation.  54 inch and 72 inch are 18 inches different in diameter, does that work visually or should I go tighter with 042?  Maybe start an outside curve with 72's and go to 54's, finishing with 72's?  I will check clearances before securing the curvature with my longest cars/locos.  Since this will not be coming apart for a long time, plan on adding jumpers underneath, soldered to the friction contacts between sections to eliminate the intermittents that will surely arrive at some point.

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You didn't give any dimensions, so I did a quick 12'x12' with O54/O72 curves using O72 switches for the crossovers and sidings. Center to center spacing is around 8", so things should look just fine and you shouldn't have to resort to the tighter O42 curves.

I also added an alternate curve configuration in the upper left to show you the difference. Because of the difference in curvature, you can't just substitute O54 curves for O72 curves. The alternate configuration consists of an O72, O54, 1/2 O54 and O72. If you want to keep the curves concentric, I did the same thing with the inside O54 oval using O54, O42 and O54 curves.

Personally, if I had to buy O42, 1/2 O54 and O72 curves to make the alternate configuration work, I'd just opt for the O72s to go with your O54s and be done with it.




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You're welcome Charlie. Good luck with your build. I'm not a big fan of RealTrax, but that's mostly because I've only got enough O31 curves to play with an oval for Christmas layouts. Now that I've decided to increase the curves for my permanent garage layout to O42/O54, I've thought about just expanding my inventory of RealTrax. I could probably save money on switches alone compared to the prices for Atlas or Ross and they're all anti-derailing, etc., out of the box. Guess I need to redo my design with RealTrax and see what the real numbers are.

If you want to keep the tracks tight, the O72 switches, turnout to turnout for the crossover give a 5.5" center rail spacing.

A 90° arc of the O72 with the O54 inside needs a 3.5" straight on the each of the O54. Then the ends of both arcs align and maintain a 5.5" center rail spacing.

Do you have the track combination chart for fitting the tracks. It is attached.

Then you can build the corners and fit the straights between anyway you like. It looks a little off, but not bad. It will keep the rest of the layout fitting naturally.






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