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Sounds like a good idea. Tehachapi Loop is really interesting to watch the trains travel up and down it. As far as your model goes, just be absolutely certain you can reach everything. Everything should be within 30 in of reach. That may require you to cut access holes to reach tough. Do not make the mistake of climbing up on top of your layout. It is inconvenient and will eventually destroy scenery.

I'm glad I just found your new topic on your layout construction build!!!  This is what a number of folks suggested to me to give updates on the "What did you do on your layout today" topic, plus have my own topic to make it easier for anyone to follow along my progress.  

Looks like trains can run well.  What are the overall dimensions of the layout?  So I think I got it, it looks to me like there are two loops, one is the Tehachapi that runs over and under.  The other is the flat blue line Chicago Loop.  I'm looking forward to following along!

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