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I heard the 19th from Mr. Muffin? I’ve got the Excursion version and Pilot version coming. 😎
Lionel Store no longer lists a ship date which means they should be at Lionel. I suspect they'll be showing up at dealers shortly.
As stated above MR. MUFFINS on the 19th. I have the MUFFIN SPECIAL PRR coming.
The manual is up. Not sure if it has been posted yet.
Interesting on page 12 it describes how to assign a number from 1-99. But wait! On page 16 it says refer to the Base 3 manual for 4 digit assignments. 👍🏻
Manual??? Come on mannn...No one reads the manual!
That’s a game changer! To be able to use the engine # directly.
They’re here!
Thanks for the youtube link. That's the first customer video of the engine. It looks good. I wonder how he got the engine so early.
Nice video but switch that whistle to the Hooter! 👊🏻
RickO - I do when I’m waiting on the engine to arrive!!! 😎
@N'awlins posted:They’re here!
Good grief!!!! Where did they come up with that whistle?????
@Hot Water posted:Good grief!!!! Where did they come up with that whistle?????
I know. Very nonspecific for the A. I get the idea of changing the bell/whistle, but on some models, I can’t help but think the storage usage could be used for other features.
I didn't see which side the whistle was on because of the safety popoff valves blowing. Where would the whistle be located?
@Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4 posted:I didn't see which side the whistle was on because of the safety popoff valves blowing. Where would the whistle be located?
I noticed that the whistle "smoke" appears to be coming from something adjacent to the safety valves. Must admit that I don't remember exactly where the whistle is located on prototype Class A locomotives, but I thought it should be closer towards the cab, i.e. NOT adjacent to the safety valves.
@Hot Water posted:I noticed that the whistle "smoke" appears to be coming from something adjacent to the safety valves. Must admit that I don't remember exactly where the whistle is located on prototype Class A locomotives, but I thought it should be closer towards the cab, i.e. NOT adjacent to the safety valves.
I don't remember where it was on the 3D printed shell from the York photos I took. I'll probably have to gander a look at my photos when I get home. I'm sure BigJim or someone else may be able to get an answer on this. Just curious where it is.
I do know BigJim had messaged Ryan about the turrets(if I got that term right) were not supposed to be covered on most models, and only for a short period of time was it worn on 1218 I think he said if I got all that correct from my memory.
OK, problem solved. I just looked at my Class A book, by Ed King, and the whistle is on the Fireman's side of the steam dome, right behind the safety valves. Thus, the whistle is pretty much, "adjacent to the safety valves", being about a foot behind them. Lionel got it rights far as the location, but the sound is certainly NOT an N&W Hooter!
@Hot Water posted:OK, problem solved. I just looked at my Class A book, by Ed King, and the whistle is on the Fireman's side of the steam dome, right behind the safety valves. Thus, the whistle is pretty much, "adjacent to the safety valves", being about a foot behind them. Lionel got it rights far as the location, but the sound is certainly NOT an N&W Hooter!
Sorry, jumped the gun! Didn't catch your reply before I posted mine.
Yeah, when I get mine I am definitely changing to the right whistle. I still can't believe the PRR Texas debacle on them having the incorrect whistle. Right after is when they made every engine have the chance to have all sorts of whistles. I think we had a lengthy discussion on that thing and how they somehow said it was correct(don't know what planet that was).
@Catonsville Central Railway posted:Sorry, jumped the gun! Didn't catch your reply before I posted mine.
Hey!…..the photo you posted is copyrighted material, …..I have the same book, and it’s heavily copyright protected,……delete your photo, and post a link or similar for people to view it!……if the mods catch it, you may get banned for good!!……just trying to save your hind end….