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hi, the original 5 volt board had a file which sounded like a turbine winding up, but the one i downloaded for this engine for a PS 2 volt 3 volt board does not have the winding up turbine  on start-up sequence!

Is there any way to adapt the 5 volt file or did they (mth) not make the sound file the same way it was, for the turbine mth engine as it was in the 5 volt board?

I really liked the sound file better in the 5 volt PS 2 volt board,but as we all know the PS 2 5 volt boards overheated from a 330 uf cap failure that exploded the capacitor!

Sincerely thanks for any help you may give!

Alan Mancus

any ideas MARTY?

Last edited by Alan Mancus
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Alan, is this an upgrade you have done or is the 5V board still with the engine?  What took place?  If your engine now has a 3V board, I have a custom S-2 file MTH gave me with a passenger file in it.  Let me know if that will help and I can send it to you.  The file has the correct turbine sounds.  Like John stated, MTH will convert 5V files to 3V if requested.  George is correct on the upgrade file.  It will be the same as the 5V file.


I am heading to bed soon so I sent you the files if you can use them.  Unzip it and the top one is excellent.


Last edited by Marty Fitzhenry

thanks all and yes is had a 5 volt board but over heated just like they did capacitor bulge etc. so i replace with a PS 2, 3 volt board but just wanted to restore the original turbine wind up sound like it had before the five volt failure!

Thanks all and Marty I'll try the files you sent me tonight if i have time!

Thanks all for all your wisdom and help, will let you know how it turns out, also fixed the power supply board replacing the 358 op amp u12 to restore normal speed control.

Thanks all for your help!


Last edited by Alan Mancus

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