I am using DCC in a #1 gauge engine that had a board with synthesized sounds that sounded terrible. I have a bunch of Lionel Railsounds 4 boards (don't recall where I got them) and built an interface between the DCC control board and the Railsounds board for whistle, bell etc as those codes are listed. What I'm looking for is the digital code for the chuff.
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Gary, it's curious that there is no listing in either the TMCC or the Legacy command spec for the chuff. This sounds like a Rudy question, he must know what code triggers the chuff.
While waiting for a reply I went ahead and applied power to an R2LC. According to my old notebook notes pin 17 which I have as an I/O input that the axle switch is attached to. I applied a ground to pin 17 and got an AUX 1-9 command which is the smoke on code. Don't know if this will cause the sound board to do a chuff as I ran out of time for further investigation.
The answer is there is a separate input pin on the Railsounds board for the chuff. So that is why there is no digital code for it.
There is some serial data code that sends the chuff via the serial link to the Railsounds board, that's what I think he's looking for.