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We just finished cutting our first side for a new release! These kits will be supplied painted and lettered as shown, these are not decals or screen printing. They have been designed with tabs and a structure that anyone can assemble easily. We will post more once the inner structure and ends are done for the box car. The last pictures are of a flat car we are working on as well. The kits will be supplied with details. They will be less trucks and couplers. The box car kit will be available in 2 rail for $99. We are planning to do just a limited run of these so if you want one, please let us know, we will put you on the list and no money is due until kit is ready to ship which should be 2-3 weeks.  Any interest for these in 3 rail?




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Last edited by Marty Milner
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brr posted:

I like it! Any chance these might be produced undecorated?

I'm very interested in the boxcar. Hope to see some more pictures, but I'm a definite maybe.

Hoping you keep working on your website, too. Very interested in your passenger car detail kit, but don't know what it includes.

Sure, we can make them undecorated in color or not. If these take off well we will be making a lot more cars that have not been available. We actually have a few more in line right now. All of the corner bracing, trussrods, k brakes etc... will be included. You will just need a nice set of fox trucks and wheels which we have for additional cost.

We are actually going to roll out a brand new website. Its going to be so much easier to navigate and will have the missing part numbers with large pictures. It looks like it should go live in August, we will be sure to let everyone know here. We apologize for not having all the interior kits and signals for example. They just needed some updating in order to make a better kit. They are all very close now and will be much better than they ever were. It has been a huge job replacing molds and updates in order to supply great details.

Roo we were out of stock for a few weeks, but we will get them added. We are about to launch our new website with more listings better pics and easier finding items. But we will list them on the old site as to not hold you up. By the way that steel mill is really looking great as i said before only thing wrong with it is the location should be on my layout.

I'm just a little confused.  If you're offering the kits without trucks and couplers, what makes the difference between 2-rail and 3-rail?  Why does there have to be a separate 3-rail interest?  Also, wouldn't it be helpful to your potential customers to identify the prototype your particular model follows?


Last edited by PRR1950
PRR1950 posted:

I'm just a little confused.  If you're offering the kits without trucks and couplers, what makes the difference between 2-rail and 3-rail?  Why does there have to be a separate 3-rail interest?  Also, wouldn't it be helpful to your potential customers to identify the prototype your particular model follows?


Hi Chuck

The car kits are being built for scale height. In order to make them sit somewhat close for 3 rail and keep scale height a modification to the bolster and underframe would be needed to give 3 railers a closer scale look but allow clearence for the large 3 rail flanges. Of course you could just shim the bolster and put a spacer in the coupler if you wanted. It's the same issue the 2 railers have when buying 3 rail cars going to 2 rail. We have had pretty good interest already in 3 rail so we will likely make them as well. It takes alot of time drawing new pieces and if there was not much interest we didn't want to waste the time is all. Thanks for your question as I am sure others were wondering as well. The prototype picture will follow once we post the updated pictures of the car more complete. This was just the first side we cut and just wanted to share what was new on the horizon in the model world, thats all.

Last edited by Marty Milner

Thanks everyone for the great comments and all the interest. Included are some pictures of the model together with some minor weathering. We are still working on some of the details for the trussrods and brakes, but the project is getting close. As we have had alot of email requesting them unpainted/blank, we can do that as well or even different railroads if we can get a few interest for the same to offset the graphic work some.






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I keep watching the progress on this kit, and now that it can be purchased unpainted, I'm almost ready to pull the trigger. I've got a lot of irons in the fire right now, but this car really seems worth getting. 

For people interested in this car 3-railed, I've had good luck using Athearn trucks with 3-rail wheels. A little "carving" may be necessary on the underside, though, and Scale-City sells O-gauge body mounted dummy couplers. It also wouldn't surprise me if Scale-City's trucks would also accept 3-rail wheels. Perhaps some clarification would help for any 3-railers on the fence with this kit. 

On a side note, I just put in a small order with Scale-city from e-bay. I couldn't find the passenger car seats. Are those still available. Not the wood style, but the white metal. One package wasn't enough for a LaBelle kit I'm building and was hoping to purchase a couple more packages.

Good to hear your updating your website. Seems like I need at least one of everything you have to offer...

BRR we offer the cast metal(jewelers pewter) passenger seats which is our part number 48-255 i will post a link:

Our trucks will accept 3 rail wheels so that should pose no problems for 3 railers to use the cars. Before the design is finalized we will be doing whatever modification to the bottom of the car so that it will not have to be raised up non-prototypical. Also thanks for the order.

Jim Harrington after several more freight cars the next thing on the list will be  cabin cars. we are working on several freight cars, as well as more buildings and more details. There will be many new items and if you have something that is really neat let us know as we are open for suggestions. Another truss rod car we will doing is the New  York & Hudson River Boxcar that was featured in Mainline Modeler the first year very colorful car.

We are also doing the P&LE Gateway Tower for the Youngstown Model Railroad Association its about 27 inches long and 16 inches tall, so bear with us as there are great things ahead.

Last edited by Marty Milner

The Southern SU boxcar was built to the tune of about 15,000 cars!

The Ted Culotta 'Steam Era Freight Cars Reference Manual" has a three page spread detailing the SU and its variants (pages 77-79) including pictures of both the Hutchins and "T-Brace" ends.

Here is some of the online info:



Sorry so long getting an update! However this will be the best one so far! We are now ready to start shipping! After talking with several O Scalers we have decided to do the pricing a little different. Many asked to buy just a core without the details like queen post, brakes, etc... So our basic kit will consist of the floor, sides, ends, roof and laser details such as poling pockets etc... For those who want a kit that's ready to go we offer the details parts for just $19 additional, that will get a brake system, Queen Post, Wire, Brake Wheel, Door hardware, grab irons, etc... Basically will finish it off minus trucks and wheels. Our introductory pricing will be as follows

Basic Kit undecorated - $70
Basic Kit - Main Central- $80
Basic Kit - NYC&HR - $85
Basic Kit Engraved any Railroad with single color white lettering $90

Any of these kit will be +$19 for the optional detail kit.

We have some kits ready to ship now and working on more now, We are limited on the detail kits right now as waiting for a few more parts that we source to complete the kit.

Here is the link to order the different versions

Anyone who preordered will receive the link above in an email to place your order, we appreciate the great response on these models, I think you will really enjoy what we are working on next!

Oh and of course I am sure you want to see just how cool this kit turned out! Enjoy!



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