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Hello Everyone my name is Anthony. I am about to start building a 5x10 layout in my basement and I wanted some opinions on what track to use for my layout. I currently own 2 train sets. One is a 1994 super chief set which comes with tubular rails and the other is the Metro North Railroad set which comes with fastrack. I was also looking into atlas track and mth real track and scale track. My head is spinning on what to use. Anyone have any opinions before I start spending?

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First of all - welcome.  Now there are many different brands of track available.  You'll get lots of opinions here.  They're just that - what one person thinks.  There is no one "bad" type of track.  It's all your preference - how much you want to spend, how much work you are willing to do to make it look the way you want, what switches will work with it, etc. 

Welcome to the forum.  Track like alot of other decisions is a personal choice based on how real you want the layout to look and most importantly your pocketbook.  Keep in mind that for every comment you get against a product you will get one for it.  I chose to use Gargraves Flex Stainless Steel track.  My layout is an around the wall 45' by 61 inch layout the reason for my choice.  Fastrack type track is a good way to start but you are limited on the configurations.  You can end up going with Ross switches etc. for more choices but at a higher cost.  Just keep in mind this is supposed to be fun. 

Welcome Anthony.

TrainsRMe is giving you good advice. I spent about a year reading on this site before I even joined. It is full of very useful information irregardless if you know a lot or nothing. If you have not explored that I suggest for you to just start reading. You can search subjects. You can check track power whatever. It is very useful. All of have opinions there free that's why we have so many. Hee

Well I would like to thank everyone for there responses. Now I haven't spent any money on track yet, the track I am using is only what came with the train sets. To be quiet honest I really like the atlas track. There is a lionel dealer buy me who sells fastrack pieces for $5.00 each, and for convenience wise thats why I was going to go with the fastrack. However the altas track looks amazing. I am going to start with a 4x8 and if I have to I can expand to a 5x10 as of now. I would like to make the layout bigger in the years to come but as of now I am on a budget. I am visioning a metro transit layout with Metro North, LIRR, NJT, NH, Amtrak, MTA trains. What do you's think? Atlas is the way to go? To start off I would like to do a Double loop with an interlocking.

I use MTH Real Trax and like it very much. All the others are great also. My main recommendation is to go with the widest turns you can with whatever track you choose. I have a bunch of 31 inch wide turns. The tight turns do not work for the larger engines and passenger cars. 


If your interest is in smaller size cars the 31 inch turns work great but down the road you will see that car or engine you really want but need a wider turn.'s a great hobby and this forum has all the answers to all the questions. Enjoy. 

Welcome Anthony!


You need to get a track plan in mind and see what it will look like or cost.

Fastrac by Lionel is very expensive and difficult to do any fancy layout configuirations, half piece straight tracks cost as much as full size straights. Probally the same with costs for Realtrax.


I use Gargraves track and Lionel style tubular, 031 & 042. With tubular track you are able to cut & fit better than Fastrac or Realtrax. With Gargraves and Ross Custom switches you have a more realistic looking switch and a low profile switch that will let most freight and large passenger cars through without any problems.


Lee F.

Originally Posted by Bano7384:

To be quiet honest I really like the atlas track... Atlas is the way to go? 

Seems to me you are already favoring Atlas track, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that.  It is a popular and widely used track system.  I have used it rather extensively in the past and may be using it again in the future.  


At the preset time I'm kind of torn between Atlas, GarGraves, and MTH ScaleTrax.  I have FasTrack on two current layouts, and certainly like it well enough, but I'm considering going with something more realistic that I can ballast myself, so the three I mentioned are currently my top contenders. 

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