My high rail layout is maybe not "complete" but it's certainly mature.
I don't run the older postwar trains on the large layout but a few months ago I got the urge to see them operate.
I have some complete Lionel sets and wanted to feature them on this layout in the way Lionel may have done for their store display layouts some 65 years ago.
I can't remember the last time I bought, or even used, Lionel tubular track but I quickly designed a layout and bought a bunch of new track to fit it.
I utilized Lionel's ZW, KW, LW and 1033 transformers and broke out some of the over sized accessories that had no home on the large layout.
Lionel's postwar catalogs have always made an impression on me both as a child and an adult. In the accompanying video they serve to marry the trains you see with the artwork of the time.
What you won't see is superelevated track, ballasted roadbed, slow running feature-laden model trains, and command control.
What you will see are noisy toy trains running precariously through S curves in the land of D cells, smoke pills, hot oil and ozone.
I hope you enjoy this 4K video look into the past!