Thanks for the replies Gents,
Big Jim, You are absolutely correct with head on's. If I really wanted to do it accurately, I would need four 1075s positioned prior to and after the signal bridge (2 for each track). I would also need to make the delay long enough so that a short train or just a power move would keep the signal (Red -) long enough as it passed the first 1075 prior to reaching the 2nd 1075.
Else I could do something a little out of my swim lane and wire relays, blocks and stuff as George mentioned. I'm not interested in a lot of extra work... After all as the PFA on the MTH engine says, "We've got a lot of runnin' to do".
Pufferbelly... These are optical sensors. I just wired them per the instructions... Green and Yellow were not used. I did raise them up 1/2 an inch so the sensor could "see" the train cars. At first the sensor was viewing the trucks and it didn't know how to react to the space in between.
My biggest mistake was making my video in this direction. I should have been on the other side to best create the illusion. But good discussion either way. Thanks for the help.
Have Fun!