Review of 1940 & 1950 1/43rd
Many modelers model the late 1940s to early 1950s and the most requested 1/43 models are reasonably priced early postwar cars. During the early post World War II period many cars from the 1930s were still on the roads.
Here are some manufactures that produce 1930 to mid 1950 models. Many are out of production, but you can still find most on the secondary market.
Although not inexpensive, Brooklin has the best selection of 1930s automobiles. The have a great selection of prewar Buicks, Pontiacs and early postwar of others makes.
Brooklin 1955 Dodge Coronet sedan
American Excellence / NEO models are resin cast, highly detailed and are a better value than Brooklin
American Excellence / NEO 1957 Buick Convertable
Many IXO models are diecast and similar to American Excellence. They are about half the cost. IXO models often can be found marketed under a verity of brand names.
IXO 1948 Mercury Sportsman Convertible
Premium X is a moderately priced series of quality models. They have a terrific but hard to find’54 Pontiac sedan.
Premium X ’54 Pontiac sedan
Solido made a nice 1950 Chevy, a 1948 Chrysler and a 1950 Buick along with some 1930s Packards
Solido 1950 Chevrolet sedan Chevrolet built this car for 4 years with only minor changes. These were common during the 1950s. Pontiac and Oldsmobile had similar styling.
American Heritage has 1941, 1949 and 1950 Fords. Most people think ‘49 and ‘50 Fords are identical, but there are subtle differences in their grilles.
American Heritage 1950 Ford Sedan. These also were common during the 1950s
Rextoys produced 1935 Fords, 1938 Cadillacs in a verity of bodes and 1940 Packard sedans.
Vitisse made ‘47 Chrysler ’47 DeSoto sedans and ’53 Cadillacs
Eligor made excellent 1932 and 1934 Fords
Yat Ming is one the best values, but they stopped production of 1/43 two years ago, although most dealers still have plenty of stock.
Yat Ming 1950 Studebaker
Franklin Mint produced many 1/43 1950s models. Unfortunately many are assembled and finished poorly, but they feature opening doors and hoods.
White Box has a few reasonably priced American cars
White Box.1936 Buick Special
Motor Max are reasonably priced and is expanding their line. Among their offerings. is a ’47 Ford convertible and a ’55 Chrysler.
True Scale has a some nice 1949 and 1954 Buicks
What models would like to see made?
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