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I have a 4x8 layout I plan to build. Going with an O36 outer loop which I will extend halfway through the curves with a 5" straight stretch which should fit within the 48" width of the table and also give it clearance for the O31 loop inside of it. Question is, can I fit an O27 loop inside the O31 loop?

Hopefully this made sense.

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Montclaire posted:

You could also use the tried and true method of adding a short elevated loop to regain some platform space for accessories.  

I grabbed a trestle and will be doing this very thing. The O27 track will probably just be a trolley/gang car/track maintenance vehicle, so it doesn't have to be massive. I primarily want it so I can run something small and use the O27 track to power all of my accessories (with minimal under the table wiring).

Eventually, I've toyed with the idea of potentially adding a set of risers on the main table, and raising the table up about 10 inches. The old space could then be a subway system, and I'd move the main tracks up onto the top level. For future consideration.

Last edited by Deuce

Don't forget about SuperStreets/Ez Streets as an option, either.   D-21 curves are perfect for a trolley.  

Deuce posted:

Eventually, I've toyed with the idea of potentially adding a set of risers on the main table, and raising the table up about 10 inches. The old space could then be a subway system, and I'd move the main tracks up onto the top level. For future consideration.

There was a layout featured in either OGR or CTT about 5-6 years ago, the gentleman who built it sold detailed o-gauge telephone poles.  He had a mostly elevated platform like you are describing, with a large loop on the base level that poked out from tunnels on the front and back side with a small siding.  If I can find the issue I'll post it.  

Montclaire posted:

Don't forget about SuperStreets/Ez Streets as an option, either.   D-21 curves are perfect for a trolley.  

Deuce posted:

Eventually, I've toyed with the idea of potentially adding a set of risers on the main table, and raising the table up about 10 inches. The old space could then be a subway system, and I'd move the main tracks up onto the top level. For future consideration.

There was a layout featured in either OGR or CTT about 5-6 years ago, the gentleman who built it sold detailed o-gauge telephone poles.  He had a mostly elevated platform like you are describing, with a large loop on the base level that poked out from tunnels on the front and back side with a small siding.  If I can find the issue I'll post it.  

Did not know about SuperStreets/EZ Streets and D-21 curves. I'll look into it. If you can find the layout, I'd be interested. It would work well with my layout because I only made the table 30" in height, figuring it'd work well for now with my son being so young. The ability to add a layer (rather than jack up the legs) makes more and more sense now that I think about it. Thank you!

Last edited by Deuce

With very tight tracks as you are going to have to be careful about overhang between loops. For example, you don't want a cowcatcher on an inner loop to snag the over hang of an 18" aluminum passenger car while passing on an outer loop. Not trying to discourage you, just want to raise awareness to prevent preventable accidents.

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