So…. at last night’s monthly club business, the Lakewood deputy mayor presented us a raised seal document from Lakewood officially making our 50 lease with the town a passed ordinance.
Below are some pictures where we have a 2’x3’ TD check for $1.00 and the actual $1.00 check for the town to cash as part of our lease agreement. The club signed a 50 year lease for $1.00 so we now have a permanent home in our building.
Congratulations, one and all! 👍🏻😊
Congratulations. That's a good thing for the club and for model railroading.
Been some time since we worked on the layout and 2025 is here. We are moving the 4 panel double throw double switches that is below the layout to a panel that is at layout-height. Each switch enables an operator to use the Z4000 transformer for conventional or to use the Lionel powerhouse that is wired to a TPC for remote capability for conventional and command control. You can use either power source for DCS, TMCC or Legacy command control.
I prefer the powerhouse/TPC as you have remote control for power on/off.
We re-located 1 switch so far as we are replacing the 18 gauge wire to 14 gauge switch on this panel.
Brilliant, Ted! 👍🏻
I love the chair lift for handicap accessibility.
The chair is awesome Ted!
The chair lift system goes from the 1st floor to the basement where we are located. It wraps around the landing between the 2 stairwells. The town installed it with a grant they received.
Yes, very neat work on that panel. 👍🏻
@Ted Bertiger, I can only imagine what you must be saying to Bud while your knelling under the panel doing wiring and he's just standing around taking pictures of you working!
Paid a visit to OCSMR on Friday before Trainstock. Thanks to @Ted Bertiger and the rest of the crew for their hospitality.
Friendly bunch of guys who do fantastic work. Layout is beautiful, and the HO branch of the club has a nice setup as well. If you're in the area, it's well worth a visit.
Congrats on the long-term lease.
Coach Joe, I have words of wisdom for Bud as he sits there pointing fingers with instructions! He realizes I can do the job!
Len, Thanks for stopping down at our club. Always a pleasure to welcome anyone from the OGR forum to see our club.
This is a picture of the finished panel that was moved up to layout height.
Very nice, Ted!!
@Ted Bertiger, "Words' of wisdom", is that what they're called on the Jersey shore?
The Panel ain't finished yet. Next mod is to install switches for control of Tortoise switch machines with LEDs showing switch position for the sidings on tracks 1 and 2. Yup gonna be a lot of finger pointing during the installation of those 8 switch machines. Ted had lots of practice on the electrical panel, so mounting the Tortoise's should be a piece of cake. FWIW, I mounted a couple dozen Totoise's on our old layout, but then that was thirty some years ago. So it'll be a lot easier for me to point than try to get up from under the layout.
Now, what to do with that clear space on the left side of the panel. Maybe put controls for switch machines on the switches on the trestle, hmmmm.
BTW, Len it was great talking with you.
Our club visited our friends on Wednesday, January 29th for our final visit to the NJ Hirailers layout in Paterson, NJ who are being forced to move their incredibly HUGE O gauge layout to a different location. They are currently working on procuring a new site for their club.
Our club knows firsthand what it takes to dismantle, move and build a new layout, something we no longer have to worry about since we signed a 50 year lease for our club with the town.
Below are various pictures of the NJ Hirailers layout. Their last open house will be on Saturday, February 15. If you never been there, here is your final chance to see the club and its layout.
The 2 presidents got together for a photo, myself with Ben Fiorello. The 2 of us go back many years now.
Wow! Ted and Ben in one photograph!!
@Ted Bertiger posted:...Their last open house will be on Saturday, February 15. If you never been there, here is your final chance to see the club and its layout. ...
Listen to Ted - if you haven't been to NJHR, go!