Hi all:
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Congratulations on the new digs Looking forward to visiting
Congratulations on the a successful move!
We are putting the finishing touches on our basement home at InfoAge Science Museum in Wall Township.
I am not local, but I don't mind the drive. I'll contact you about a visit.
I ran this train last week when I joined. My CNJ freight at its full length.
My wholehearted congratulations to the people of OCSMRR on their new digs. I had the pleasure of being involved with this group for a couple of years and it was great.
Thanks for posting Ted.
That's great news!! It sounds like a very good long term location. From what I understand the Midwest Independent Hi-Railers have a similar deal here in NW Indiana at a town's historical center. It really is a great marriage that helps both parties get more visitors. Enjoy the new space and keep those pictures coming!!!
Hi Ted
That is a nice O GAUGE Layout !
A LOT of members (both HO and O) put in a LOT of work to get where we are now. The O-gauge layout has the two lower loops of track operating. Will have two more loops that are over and under. Minimum curve is 071 and the max is 105. Below is a copy of the O-Gauge track plan.
Hi Ted
Where is the room for the HO Trains ?
Your O Gauge layout takes up alot of space !
Looks to be nice layout once done .
HO has their own room across the hallway from us. Our O gauge room is about 18 x 35 feet and the HO room is about 20 x 40 as they had the added area which was at first to be the kitchen/repair area for both. Plans did change and we were able to build a separate room for O and S Gauge repairs within a large room down the hallway. When the school operated, that entire room served as the coal bunker with the shute being still intact on the wall and the large coal furnace is right at the doorway there.
Also, in the basement is an original science room lab. At each end of the hallway, we have 2 storage rooms/closets that we re-built the wood studded walls to keep our modular layouts, etc.
Also, both rooms were about the same condition when we started renovating. Hallway was not in much better shape. Many, many hours of sweat labor went into restoring those areas.
Actually, the O-gauge room is 18 by 36 feet. The new layout occupies about the same area as the Church layout did. The shape and wider aisles make the size of the new layout somewhat smaller. The new layout has a shorter track run (about 150 feet per loop) but there are 4 loops instead of 3 as on the old layout (200 feet each). So, overall track run is about the same. The HO-gauge room is 18 by 32 feet. It was in better shape than the O-gauge room.
Attached are pix of a recent shot of the O-gauge layout with the same view as the first pic and a view of the HO-gauge room viewed in about the same orientation as the first O-gauge pic.
The O gauge layout photo that Bud just posted with the windows closed up in the rear is the same view of the room with my initial photo.
QUITE A DIFFERENCE YOU THINK ? We took off about 5,000 pounds of plaster mixed with some concrete off the walls and ceiling, ran electric in the ceiling for the LED lighting, for the AC units and for the 2 ceiling fans. Then double painted all the walls and ceiling. One heck of a labor Job!
You guys have come a long way. I can't wait to come see for myself.
Joe Mania posted:You guys have come a long way. I can't wait to come see for myself.
Wait I think I know you. Didn't you do work for my friend? A lionel postwar S2 Turbine? I think you gave him a break on the bill or something for a Christmas gift.
So this is the way the cookie crumbles, eh Ted?
RaritanRiverRailroadFan4 posted:Joe Mania posted:You guys have come a long way. I can't wait to come see for myself.
Wait I think I know you. Didn't you do work for my friend? A lionel postwar S2 Turbine? I think you gave him a break on the bill or something for a Christmas gift.
That's certainly possible. Young guy just getting into the hobby?
Joe Mania posted:RaritanRiverRailroadFan4 posted:Joe Mania posted:You guys have come a long way. I can't wait to come see for myself.
Wait I think I know you. Didn't you do work for my friend? A lionel postwar S2 Turbine? I think you gave him a break on the bill or something for a Christmas gift.
That's certainly possible. Young guy just getting into the hobby?
Yeah, I think he gave it to you at a train show in Milltown, NJ last year..
RaritanRiverRailroadFan4 posted:Joe Mania posted:RaritanRiverRailroadFan4 posted:Joe Mania posted:You guys have come a long way. I can't wait to come see for myself.
Wait I think I know you. Didn't you do work for my friend? A lionel postwar S2 Turbine? I think you gave him a break on the bill or something for a Christmas gift.
That's certainly possible. Young guy just getting into the hobby?
Yeah, I think he gave it to you at a train show in Milltown, NJ last year..
Yup, that was me.
A great job by the club members and others who have helped.Stay tuned for more updates..
Cheers !
Wow! What a project.
Hello Ted:
It’s been a long time since we spoke but I wanted to thank you for your story covering the clubs move.
As much as I like operating with our modular club, it would also be nice to have a more permanent location like you and your club now has.
Don’t do as much traveling as I use to, but if I’m in the area I will be sure to contact you.
Please keep posting updates when possible and have a great day.
Our club always had a permanent location for the past 24 years in a church basement and we paid rent and utilities. We have moved to Kuser Hall, an old boys school which was called The Newman School that stopped operating in the 60's and the building was pretty much left abandoned for almost 50 years. We had to clean up and renovate the basement which took many months, about 2 years worth of sweat and labor to get where we are at now.
Our next project is soldering all the gargraves track on the 2- O gauge lines which we have done about 40% of them. We still have 2 more loops to build. Going to have 4 operating lines on this layout.
Lookin good Ted.
John, youngest member at 14 and Ed, oldest member at a young 84. Only 70 years apart. Both chipper and eager to get the layout done to run trains.
2 of the 4 operating main lines gargraves track is all soldered together. We started laying track for the 3rd operating line.
We are slowly progressing after 2 weeks of unpacking and setting up our repair room.
Congratulations!!!!! When is the first look?
That 48xs figure was looking to where he could make his tee shot from.
PSU- anytime you are in the area, the invite is always open and welcome. We are able to operate 2 of 4 lines now.
Pix to where we are now with trackwork. Plywood was covered with 2x4 ceiling tiles glued to the plywood with reverse side up.
Scribing track lines.
Track laying apprentice begins his training.
Apprentice graduates at the top of his class.
End of track........?
First run.
Fine tuning the position of the roundhouse.
Start of track 3.
Hey, Ted...best of luck in the new location!
Ted, Bud and the rest of the OCSMRR Crew - Looking great! I like the wider aisles and the over and under plan being carried on. Keep us updated with pics as you can.
Paul - Kinda one dimensional in layout design. Tried to use what we could from the old layout (trestles were a nice feature and will be incorporated). The building architect recommended 42 inch aisle spacing. Proved to be a good choice. Not as tight (or as friendly) as the old layout.
Hope to see ya at York.
Bud's apprentice aka "butch in training" has progressed through a few levels of training.
Level one- track laying, bending curves on pre-cut forms, using the proper amount of screws to secure track to ceiling tiles. We only ordered 10,000 Screws! I am working with a Screw Ball!
Level two- soldering rails together, wiring between the rail joints and soldering.
Level three- cutting rails properly with Dremel tool ( just completed that training last Saturday).
And so we go onto track #3. Should get interesting afterwards when we have to do the elevated part.
Great looking work you all. Sure wish I had something like that here in my area. Heck wish I had a club in this area. Down here there not that many to be found.
What part of the country are you at?
Now that York has passed by, it is back to laying more track for line #3 and for #4. Have to get my track professor in gear and ready to go back to work.
Get back to work, Ted!
More track work done this past Saturday plus rails being soldered. It would be nice if the track professor would get the track pins in so they fit properly. But... he did realize his ERROR!
More to come as the upper run wooden trestle was placed for clearance. I bet the EM-1 slams into it??
Looking great Ted. Two quick questions: Are you running Friday Nights (say Dec 2nd) and is there a listing of the current club members?
I hope to be able to visit on 12/2. All the best,
We are able to operate 2 of 4 lines now, just no buildings or scenery are up and that will not happen for a while. As for the current club listing, not sure if the website has one. I have one that is almost current which I can scan a copy a copy and email it to you.
Thanks, Ted
Needles and pins.......needles and pins......needles and pins..............
Paul - Looking forward to seeing you. Bring something to run.
I feel bad that I haven't been able to get down there lately and help you guys out. November is usually hectic with various club outings and then the First Frost show. Maybe on the 18th if I can find the time.
Hey Bud, always good to hear from you. I will indeed bring something to run on your new empire. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. All the best,
Well, well... we ran my B&O EM-1 tonight on the layout and it ran quite well with the exception of a clearance issue that might occur when the elevated trestle system gets put into place.
Regardless, Layout professor Bud and his track apprentice Ted have done a good job so far. If any engine going to show any track problems, a large steamer like this one will show the imperfections.
Good job Bud! So far.
The EM-1 has a big overhang and it did just touch the left side of the trestle on the track that goes under and the track that goes along side the trestle. Will require some tweaking.
Clearance concerns for bigger engines are the outer curve entering the trestle and the curve along the front side.
The trestle will go over the three tracks along side the wall to where the curves start at the far end.
Clearance test vehicle, the Apprentice's B&O EM-1.
The test pilot did an excellent job roaming around the layout. As for the track professor, he has a new enhanced name, The Nutty Track Professor aka Locobudd!
We did put down more track on line #3 and the professor has to do his magic with some upcoming switch work.
Will you have things squared away enough for your Holiday Open House?
We do have 2 operating lines of 4 running on the O gauge layout. as for the HO side, they are still laying track and are modeling it after the New York, Long Branch line. They have plenty to do.
We always have open house so anytime someone is in the area, the invitation is always welcome.
You have to be really Nutty to work with the Track Apprentice.
Joe - Stop by.
Tracks 3 and 4 will stop here by the roundhouse for a while 'til the transformer shelf and extension for the track 1 sidings is built.
Track Apprentice Ted has hit the mother lode in his investments under the guidance of Financial Bill. They've really multiplied since he started.
Getting the upper level framed and tracked will take a bit of time. Still have to connect DCS and see if we have problems like we had on the old layout.
Thanks tracking our progress.
We're soldering the track joints that have been laid and installed the transformer shelf.
Jack takes a break from soldering track joints and wonders where to go from there.
Installing the transformer shelf.
A small expansion of the framework will be to the left of the transformers adding a couple of feet to the sidings.
The Track Apprentice has accrued dividends from his mother lode and is continuing to invest by diversifying in mouse futures.
A work area/coffee mess has been installed.
An O-gauge work area was built in the coal bunker just on the other side of the wall from the O-gauge layout.
The coal bunker and later oil tanks fueled this monster.
The boiler is no longer used to heat the building and the building has had asbestos remediation. HVAC split systems heat and cool the first floor. We added gas hot air heat to the O and HO rooms. Two weeks ago the heating system passed inspection by the township and we finally have heat. Took "only" about a year to get it done.
Connected the first transformer and TIU. Didn't try DCS 'cause we didn't bring an engine. Hopefully it'll work better than it did on our old layout. We have to update our TIU's. TMCC has been working. Haven't connected Legacy (gotta find it amongst the boxes).
Our repair room still needs to be electrified, reason for the hanging wires and power strip going to an extension cord.
Brought my MTH Rail King GE Evo to try DCS. Hadn't run the engine, except for a short conventional test run, since I got it well over a year ago. Got a bit concerned since the handheld just read "looking for engine". Several tries later and a long long time finally got loaded in. Track 1 had "10s" all around. Track 2 had "10s" mostly until the older track by the roundhouse where it varied to as low as "5" (need to clean track). Looks like soldering all track joints paid off (we have somewhere over 400 solder joints on both tracks). Did an odometer reading and got 1.4 scale miles for Track 2 (or 154 feet of track).
Only 400 solder joints? I account for 3/4 of them. Wonder why the track runs so well. Your pesos investment to me via Mickey Mouse has paid me well.
Tonight, I am using DCS on a proto 2 engine to reset it to factory default so I can use it on my home layout with remote commander which is the BEST conventional remote operating system for the price. One remote operates any proto 2 or 3 engine unlike another operating system that controls one engine per remote.
Regardless, we are wiring this layout correctly so we can use conventional, Legacy, TMCC and DCS with zero issues.
DCS wiring has been successful so far. I was able to do a factory reset on my UP SD90 so I can operate it on my home layout with remote commander. I do not have DCS on my layout but remote commander to me is DCS lite. We did notice that our remote took a while to "looking for engine" in the DCS remote, something to investigate further.
My EVO started up with no problems after being loaded in last Friday. Biggest concern is the length of time it takes to "find" and engine. DCS will get an upgrade this weekend as will Legacy.
Started the addition for the switch to nowhere. Won't be doing much more til after Thanksgiving.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Scale GG1, another good test to see if Professor Nutty Track made the correct curves and measurements.
Both TIU'S and Legacy system are all upgraded. The test on Tuesday night to see how long it takes DCS to find an engine.
Our two TIUs with updated software have been reinstalled. Brought my Red Arrow Liberty Liner to try since it had been loaded in many eons ago. DCS didn't recognize the Liberty Liner probably because the battery was dead. Left on track to charge and still had problems. Eventually deleted the Liberty Liner and was successfully reentered. Measured track signal strength with the Liberty Liner and found track signal to be somewhat less than my EVO with some areas with no signal. Probably due to the EVO being later hard/soft ware. Also, added in a UP Desert Storm SD-40. Took awhile and runs fine.
Brought my EVO to run to make sure had no problems with DCS after having some difficulty getting the Liberty Liner to run. No problems, signal strength still good. Added a video camera to get some shots running on the layout. Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later. Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.
Our club President had his MTH Rudolf train so took a few pix.
LocoBudd posted:Brought my EVO to run to make sure had no problems with DCS after having some difficulty getting the Liberty Liner to run. No problems, signal strength still good. Added a video camera to get some shots running on the layout. Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later. Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.
Which brand of camera is this?
Paul - The camera is called "Drone View" and is made by Tactic. Got it to put on one of my RC planes (haven't yet - don't get out to fly much). Ordered from Tower Hobbies.
Got a visit from Ben and Jerry who were looking to possibly joining the club. So, didn't get much done on the extension today.
Here're a few still pix around the layout starting with our O-Gauge Superintendent.
Good evening.
What's going on with the El Structure ?
That one picture of the 9 Southern Pacific engines was the multi lash-up we ran there and the MRC transformer read 9. 5 amps with a 1/2 amp to spare!
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Unfortunately Santa didn't do any work over the Holidays at the club so we're slowly getting back to work.
Started the install of the double doors at the end of the corridor (trying to match what would have been installed). Will install a more plane door about halfway down. Both doors will close off the corridor to conserve heat and allow us to leave the doors of both layout rooms open while we're there.
Ted (aka the Apprentice) finished painting the stairs (sorry for the fuzzy pic but Ted moves fast).
Waiting for the paint to dry to start installing the sidings for track 1.
Did some prep on the electrics panel. Need to connect power to the partially completed track 3 and 4 loops so they can be used as sidings more conveniently until they're finished.
The Nutty Track Professor has finally switched gears from reverse to 2nd gear and started to do track work and some wiring on the layout. Ran my postwar Lionel SF F3'S and passenger cars last night. Ran very well around the layout considering they are about 70 years old. A little oil and grease and away they went. Bud's track work got a good testing. The nutty professor graduated to senior nutty professor!
The stairs are done painted with anti-skid mixed in the black paint. Just waiting to get the yellow paint to do each front part of of the steps so you see those steps walking up or down. Stairwell halls are done and some old Lionel prints going on the walls.
Work at our club is commencing again.
Our club is always open to visitors. Just email us as our phone is not connected yet since Verizon and Optimum are giving us some BS about connecting up to an old building.
Don't know much about Senior status. Seems like I've been a Senior for ages. Working with the Apprentice has made me more Senior. Guess it's official now.
The construction crew started framing for the other door.
The Apprentice checks out the structural integrity of the door framing. Appears that he's checking his structural integrity. Looks like he's getting more senior too.
Started installation of the track 1 sidings. We do have an interesting problem at the other end of the siding. Our new heater is leaking where track will be. If our contractor doesn't fix it soon, we will be installing our new engine washing facility.
The members of OCSMR wish a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all the ferroequinologists on the forum.
No work at the club today.
Here's a shot of my backyard. A couple of inches of snow fell after pic was taken.
If it weren't so cold, shoulda been doing this.
Or this.
Leak in the heating system hasn't been fixed yet. So, we'll have to plan for the engine washing facility. Here's a pic of the water collection/storage system.
Mickey showed up with his entourage.
Checking the fit for sidings by the station.
Here's a long shot of the first pic area in better weather.
LocoBudd posted:Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later. Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.
Just a thought, have you considered getting a "club" Youtube account? It would be the same as a personal one, but be named "OCSMR" or something like that, and designated club members have joint access to that account to post videos and answer comments/questions.
More work to be done tomorrow on the hallway door framing. Painted 1/2 of the floor at the bottom of the steps before the 1st doorway entrance. Keeping it all uniform with the upstairs with a red floor paint. That was the original color they used in 1927.
Wow! Just read the whole thread. What a great story. Good luck to you guys on your build. Looking forward to following along.
Andy -Thanks. Many members have worked long and hard to get where we are today. Some even said that it couldn't be done. The pix in the beginning don't really show the bad shape the basement was in. Didn't bring a camera for the first walk thru.
I caught the Senior Nutty Track Professor in action doing his meticulous track cutting, laying and screwing down gargraves track. The double siding on track 1 is done with the addition of our homemade water collection system courtesy of our HVAC contractor and our newly installed furnace.
Lot of work done this past Saturday. More train pictures hung up on the walls. Found out what a chore it was to drill molly screws into the poured concrete walls the building is made of. The concrete walls have been around since 1927 and have hardened just a bit since!!
The inside wall in the hallway is almost complete with painting to be done and the double doors to be hung there. We'll have a common area between the 2 rooms with doors on each end of the hallway with a storage closet at the each end under the stairwells plus the repair room we built inside a larger room down the hallway.
More work every Wednesday and Saturday mornings as we switched gears to get the interior renovations done and the O gauge layout track getting more completed.
Coupla pix of the sidings for track 1.
The sidings are occupied since nature abhors a vacuum. Would have preferred not to have used the "S" curves but geometry as drawn didn't quite match the installation. Just another instance where theory and practice didn't converge.
Other end of the sidings. The water collection/storage system has been removed for clarity. Hopefully after tomorrow, it won't be back.
The HVAC repaired our slow water leak today and we will test out the furnace on Thursday hoping the can does not collect any water.
The double doors on the inside of the hallway were hung today. Sheetrock to be painted this Saturday. The finishing molding to go up as well. With the original double doors and the mid hallway wall built to accommodate the other double doors, we can keep both doors from the HO and O gauge rooms 365 days a year. We created a common area in the hallway where we can sit and chat away from the layouts.
Hopefully, the senior nutty track professor will provide some photos of our re-designed hallway.
The mid hall door was trimmed and wall painted. Trimming of transom needs to be completed.
The New Track Apprentice replacing ground throws that got damaged.
The Senior Track Apprentice showing the New Track Apprentice the finer points of soldering wire to the track.
Continued to trial fit switches and sidings in the turntable and station areas. Couldn't resolve operational problems with getting the RK Blue Comet to run on the Museum's small display layout.
Worked on the turntable and station area. Didn't get much accomplished. Had several visitors including the Lakewood Mayor, who's an avid O-gauger.
The Senior Track Apprentice (STA) had also been busy installing signs and pictures utilizing the experience he's acquired installing track screws. Here's a few pix as you enter.
Entrance to the museum.
To the basement.
Down the steps.
At the landing.
Second flight of steps.
Looking up.
Hallway entrance on the right.
O-gauge train room.
See ya at the Train Show in Tom's River, NJ on the 5th of February.
Plenty of stairwell walls were painted. Steps painted twice with sand mixed in to make a gritty paint to reduce slipping. Floor at bottom landing was painted red to keep up with how the museum painted their floors. Keeping it with the original paint scheme from 1927.
Hung quite a few pictures on the poured concrete walls. Was a load of fun drilling into those "very cured" poured concrete walls from 1927. They fermented just a bit in 90 Years! But was able to hammer in molly screws to hang pictures on.
We are working on the downstairs hallway walls now that the 2 double door sets are in place between the 2 large layout rooms.
We basically occupy the downstairs of the school building.
More spackling and realignment of the glass double doors was done. The switches in the turntable and station siding area were fitted and partially installed.
The STA has developed a taste for spackling.
Add that shim and screw that screw.
Don't let the doors fall.
Switches installed and positioned. Ready to extend tracks 3 and 4.
We did have a dozen bagels and cream cheese there for breakfast. Guess the spackle was the substitute for cream Cheese?
Almost ready to paint the hallway between the rooms, then paint the floor and move some benches there for lounging area.
As for the SNTP, he switched gears and got the track switches down so the STA can lay track up until where the double trestles begin. Progress being made.
Friday nite was a bit busy. One of our new members brought his grand kids along with a prospective member with his children. Junior member Sean eventually ran a triple header.
Bringing in the UP 844.
A Blue Comet looking for its cars.
Our resident artist starts the backdrops.
Sean running his triple header.
Prospective junior members.
Mike running the UP 844. Potential location of the passenger station's coffee brewing facility.
Sean's triple header.
Tracks 3 and 4 installed to roundhouse. The ramp will start after that. Siding switches need to be screwed down.
Door trim installed.
Siding switches need to be screwed down.
The senior nutty track professor did have 10,000 screws to use. Think he has about 8,000 to go hoping he does not screw up this layout like he screwed a club member's layout down. It will never come apart even in an Earthquake!
Painting of the hallway walls and trim continued. and the first coat of paint on the glass doors was applied.
The switches and siding tracks in the station/turntable area were fastened except for the thru siding that will connect with the curve in back of the power house. Have only 7,900 more screws left.
Started laying out the area for the upper level on the side by the bunker wall.
Lot of hallway renovation done yesterday. Painted one full side of the hallway and the other side has wood glued to the poured concrete walls to accommodate the sheetrock going up on that side. That wall was in bad shape and we could not save the plaster on the concrete wall. Interior doors painted and done. First set of glass doors painted once, 2nd coat to be done next Wednesday.
Our artist has begun working on the layout backdrops with signs noting not to disturb "Michaelangelo" while he is imagining the Scene!
As for our screw situation, not sure if 7,900 screws is enough for Bud. He likes to really screw things up so they never unscrew!
We will be shifting focus back to the layout construction as hallway work is nearing completion.
Reassessed the track screw quantity and looks like we're down to only 7,998. We may have to buy more screws.
Work progressed on the hall. Half the wall board is installed to build out the wall that suffered water damage. Both door sets received their final coat of paint. Only two of the four lights in the hall were installed due to picking up wood for the upper deck of the O-gauge layout.
A visit by the Polar Express (unfortunately it also brought along seasonal weather...brr).
Newest junior members packing up the PE.
Didn't know we had a subway.
Glass doors with final coat of paint. Glass needs the paint clean up. The RR Xing sign was picked up at a garage sale.
Some pix in the O-gauge room. Wall color was changed from blue to tan.
Laid out lines locating ramp and elevated part of second deck on the south end of the layout. Will be transferred to 3/4 inch ply.
Front side of the redesigned club application. Modeled by the STA.
See ya Sunday in Manalapan at the Veteran's Fundraiser trainshow.
Lot of renovation work done this past week as we are getting closer to be done after 2.5 years of interior renovating. Our repair room was electrified and now we have lighting and plenty of electric outlets.
Going to switch gears and work on the layout more since the dirty work is almost completed. We transformed a 1927 school basement that has been dormant since the 1980'S to our new home, something our club is proud to call it.
New news for the club. If anyone wants to visit us, simply call us at (732)363-7799. Our phone line was put in last week.
Thank you.
Hanging the lights in the hall was completed. Now the hallway walls need to be finished and painted. Painting of the trim continued. Additional lines were laid out on the O-gauge layout surface for the upper level. Next is to transfer these line to the plywood for the upper level and install the supports.
As was mentioned in another thread, we were open from 1 to 4 pm for guests and will be on the foreseeable 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the each month. Had two guests including John S from the NJ Hi-Railers. Bit of a slow start. For those who would like to visit, please do.
Had some post war Lionel, a GG1 and a Veranda running.
Installing wallboard to the hall wall was completed and the second coat of spackle was applied.
Our old club sign was mounted in a new location. Needs better permanent mounting and electrical power.
Laid out cut lines on the plywood for the upper level and started cutting.
A prospective junior member showed up. Unfortunately his GG-1 sparked and didn't run. A washer and steel wool shavings were found stuck to the wheels (has Magna-Traction). Tony wasn't able to fix the problem and will need more work to get it running. Used a club engine to run his train.
A kit plane that the was donated by the owner of the Lakewood, NJ airport.
We need to re-hang our lighted OCSMR sign with steel chain wrapped around an overhead radiator and have our electrician run a line there for power.
Locobudd made some progress this past Saturday cutting wood for the elevated 3rd and 4th line. We should have the wood cutting done in 2 weeks and start installing the elevation, then laying track.