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Well, well... we ran my B&O EM-1 tonight on the layout and it ran quite well with the exception of a clearance issue that might occur when the elevated trestle system gets put into place.

Regardless, Layout professor Bud and his track apprentice Ted have done a good job so far. If any engine going to show any track problems, a large steamer like this one will show the imperfections.

Good job Bud! So far.

The EM-1 has a big overhang and it did just touch the left side of the trestle on the track that goes under and the track that goes along side the trestle.  Will require some tweaking.

Clearance concerns for bigger engines are the outer curve entering the trestle and the curve along the front side.

2016-10-29 002

The trestle will go over the three tracks along side the wall to where the curves start at the far end.

2016-10-29 003

Clearance test vehicle, the Apprentice's  B&O EM-1.

2016-11-01 001



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  • 2016-11-01 001

You have to be really Nutty to work with the Track Apprentice.

Joe - Stop by.

Tracks 3 and 4 will stop here by the roundhouse for a while 'til the transformer shelf and extension for the track 1 sidings is built.

2016-11-05 002

Track Apprentice Ted has hit the mother lode in his investments under the guidance of Financial Bill.  They've really multiplied since he started.

2016-11-05 003

Getting the upper level framed and tracked will take a bit of time.  Still have to connect DCS and see if we have problems like we had on the old layout.

Thanks tracking our progress.



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  • 2016-11-05 002
  • 2016-11-05 003

We're soldering the track joints that have been laid and installed the transformer shelf.

Jack takes a break from soldering track joints and wonders where to go from there.

2016-11-12 002

Installing the transformer shelf.

2016-11-15 0012016-11-15 002

A small expansion of the framework will be to the left of the transformers adding a couple of feet to the sidings.

2016-11-15 003

The Track Apprentice has accrued dividends from his mother lode and is continuing to invest by diversifying in mouse futures.

2016-11-15 005

A work area/coffee mess has been installed.

2016-11-15 004

An O-gauge work area was built in the coal bunker just on the other side of the wall from the O-gauge layout.

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The coal bunker and later oil tanks fueled this monster.

2014-07-12 012

The boiler is no longer used to heat the  building and the  building has had asbestos remediation.  HVAC split systems heat and cool the first floor.   We added gas hot air heat to the O and HO rooms.  Two weeks ago the heating system passed inspection by the township and we finally have heat.  Took "only" about a year to get it done.


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  • 2014-07-12 012
Last edited by LocoBudd

Brought my MTH Rail King GE Evo to try DCS.  Hadn't run the engine, except for a short conventional test run, since I got it well over a year ago.  Got a bit concerned since the handheld just read "looking for engine".  Several tries later and a long long time finally got loaded in.  Track 1 had "10s" all around.  Track 2 had "10s" mostly until the older track by the roundhouse where it varied to as low as "5" (need to clean track).  Looks like soldering all track joints paid off (we have somewhere over 400 solder joints on both tracks).  Did an odometer reading and got 1.4 scale miles for Track 2 (or 154 feet of track).


Only 400 solder joints? I account for 3/4 of them. Wonder why the track runs so well. Your pesos investment to me via Mickey Mouse has paid me well.

Tonight, I am using DCS on a proto 2 engine to reset it to factory default so I can use it on my home layout with remote commander which is the BEST conventional remote operating system for the price.  One remote operates any proto 2 or 3 engine unlike another operating system that controls one engine per remote.

Regardless, we are wiring this layout correctly so we can use conventional, Legacy, TMCC and DCS with zero issues.

My EVO started up with no problems after being loaded in last Friday.  Biggest concern is the length of time it takes to "find" and engine.  DCS will get an upgrade this weekend as will Legacy.

Started the addition for the switch to nowhere.  Won't be doing much more til after Thanksgiving.

2016-11-22 002

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.



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  • 2016-11-22 002

Our two TIUs with updated software have been reinstalled.  Brought my Red Arrow Liberty Liner to try since it had been loaded in many eons  ago.  DCS didn't recognize the Liberty Liner probably because the battery was dead.  Left on track to charge and still had problems.  Eventually deleted the Liberty Liner and  was successfully reentered.  Measured track signal strength with the Liberty Liner and found track signal to be somewhat less than my EVO with some areas with no signal.  Probably due to the EVO being later hard/soft ware.  Also, added in a UP Desert Storm SD-40.  Took awhile and runs fine.

2016-11-29 001


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  • 2016-11-29 001

Brought my EVO to run to make sure had no problems with DCS after having some difficulty getting the Liberty Liner to run.  No problems, signal strength still good.  Added a video camera to get some shots running on the layout.  Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later.  Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.

2016-12-02 001

Our club President had his MTH Rudolf train so took a few pix.

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LocoBudd posted:

Brought my EVO to run to make sure had no problems with DCS after having some difficulty getting the Liberty Liner to run.  No problems, signal strength still good.  Added a video camera to get some shots running on the layout.  Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later.  Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.

2016-12-02 001


Which brand of camera is this?


Paul - The camera is called "Drone View" and is made by Tactic.  Got it to put on one of my RC planes (haven't yet - don't get out to fly much).  Ordered from Tower Hobbies.

Got a visit from Ben and Jerry who were looking to possibly joining the club.  So, didn't get much done on the extension today.

2016-12-03 002

Here're a few still pix around the layout starting with our O-Gauge Superintendent.

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  • 2016-12-03 019

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.  Unfortunately Santa didn't do any work over the Holidays at the club so we're slowly getting back to work.

Started the install of the double doors at the end of the corridor (trying to match what would have been installed).  Will install a more plane door about halfway down.  Both doors will close off the corridor to conserve heat and allow us to leave the doors of both layout rooms open  while we're there.

2016-12-28 004

Ted (aka the Apprentice) finished painting the stairs (sorry for the fuzzy pic but Ted moves fast).

2016-12-28 007

Waiting for the paint to dry to start installing the sidings for track 1.

2016-12-28 009

Did some prep on the electrics panel.  Need to connect power to the partially completed track 3 and 4 loops so they can be used as sidings more conveniently until they're finished.

2016-12-28 008




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  • 2016-12-28 007
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  • 2016-12-28 008
Last edited by LocoBudd

The Nutty Track Professor has finally switched gears from reverse to 2nd gear and started to do track work and some wiring on the layout. Ran my postwar Lionel SF F3'S and passenger cars last night. Ran very well around the layout considering they are about 70 years old. A little oil and grease and away they went. Bud's track work got a good testing. The nutty professor graduated to senior nutty professor!

The stairs are done painted with anti-skid mixed in the black paint. Just waiting to get the yellow paint to do each front part of of the steps so you see those steps walking up or down. Stairwell halls are done and some old Lionel prints going on the walls.

Work at our club is commencing again.

Our club is always open to visitors. Just email us as our phone is not connected yet since Verizon and Optimum are giving us some BS about connecting up to an old building.

Don't know much about Senior status.  Seems like I've been a Senior for ages.  Working with the Apprentice has made me more Senior.  Guess it's official now.

The construction crew started framing for the other door.

2016-12-31 002

The Apprentice checks out the structural integrity of the door framing.  Appears that he's checking his structural integrity.  Looks like he's getting more senior too.

2016-12-31 004

Started installation of the track 1 sidings.  We do have an interesting problem at the other end of the siding.  Our new heater is leaking where track will be.  If our contractor doesn't fix it soon,  we will be installing our new engine washing facility.

2016-12-31 005

The members of OCSMR wish a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all the ferroequinologists on the forum.



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No work at the club today.

Here's a shot of my backyard.  A couple of inches of snow fell after pic was taken.

2017-01-07 005

If it weren't so cold, shoulda been doing this.

2009-03-05 001

Or this.

012907 003a

Leak in the heating system hasn't been fixed yet.  So, we'll have to plan for the engine washing facility.  Here's a pic of the water collection/storage system.

2017-01-06 001

Mickey showed up with his entourage.

2017-01-06 004

Checking the fit for sidings by the station.

2017-01-06 003

Here's a long shot of the first pic area in better weather.

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LocoBudd posted:

  Don't have a YouTube account so I'll just add some still shots later.  Camera has WiFi so you can view it on your smart phone/device.


Just a thought, have you considered getting a "club" Youtube account? It would be the same as a personal one, but be named "OCSMR" or something like that, and designated club members have joint access to that account to post videos and answer comments/questions.


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