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I have a combo of Lionel o scale tube track, crossovers, 90's and switches  as well as fastrack (crossovers, 90's & switches).  A guy gave me a circa 1950 steam train (2037) with all the cars of the set but no track. With a little maintenance & repair, it works perfectly! (he was going to just put in garbage). I converted the steam to liquid instead of pellets.

My father-in law who is a train guy (real stuff) gave me the track (though I have bought some).  Tube track is probably o-31 and with 022 switches. Fastrack is mostly o-36 with some o-60 curves.

I did pick up some additional engines 1 steam (pellets?), 1 diesel (milw dual motor), and a yard switcher (NW2 - 624).  I also have coal cars, flatcars, stack container cars, gondolas.

The original transformer gave out but I bought a Lionel ZW-275. 

I want to be able to run multiple trains (at least 2), have them change direction (thru switching) & maybe elevated, maybe a small yard. (I have enough track to make a LARGE plan that could literally take up my double car garage). However, that is not possible. I am limited to 4 X 8 (maybe a tad bigger) that would have to be taken down periodically. I need to make the table collapsible to store in garage. So I can't have buildings, etc (maybe someday). I want it to be fun to operate.

any ideas, plans, pics of what my possibilities are?

I will send video of my train (original) that I set up on dining room table. 


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                                  The Christmas Layout of Ted in O gauge

          One compact and very well arranged Christmas layout with Lionel O-gauge tracks,  suitable for simultaneously running of two trains.







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Last edited by briansilvermustang

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