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I am having trouble with a couple of brand new operating accessories and wanted some insight.


1.  Helipad - How do I get the helicopter to do more than just spin off the launching wheel and crash into the helipad?  I have aligned the teeth on the rotor bottom with the launching wheel.  Did this a number of times, stepson and I were very disappointed when we repeatedly crashed immediately on take-off.  It seemed to work better in the Lionel commercials, LOL.


2.  Icing station - Seems to have a twofold problem - not opening the door on the refrigerated car enough to accept the blocks, and not pushing the blocks out far enough to fall in.  I am using FasTrack and I have the piece aligned as close to the track bed as I can - Perhaps I need to gently cut away some roadbed to "inlet" the base of the icing house to make it work properly?


Thanks for any insight!

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I can't help with q1, but as far as FasTrack goes, if you are using the FasTrack 'Operating track', you can remove one side of the ballast section so that accessories can be placed at the correct distance. (See excerpt  from manual below.) 



Edit.   I've looked up the manual for the 419R Heliport. If this is what you have, then have you made sure that a) It's wound up enough, and b) that the helicopter's tail is resting in the cradle?

Here's a link to the manual if it is of any help.




Screen Shot 2012-07-14 at 20.31.24


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  • Screen Shot 2012-07-14 at 20.31.24
Last edited by N.Q.D.Y.

Thanks.  Unfortunately the icing station doesn't require the operating track, so I had been placing it next to regular FasTrack.  I will have to see if I can get a piece of operating track to test the theory before cutting up any FasTrack.


I followed the directions a number of times with the Heliport but couldn't get anything like the Youtube videos, haha!  Even gave it a couple of extra cranks.  It's almost like the copter itself needs to be heavier in order to keep the rotor cams in contact with the launching pad just a bit longer.  But of course extra weight would make it not fly. 

Regarding the icing station - you will need to remove a small amount of the ballast on the FasTrack to get the accesory a little closer to the car.  I have mine on a normal straight section (not an operating section) and had to remove about 1/4 inch of ballast with a Dremel.  You can gauge the amount ncessary but looking at the track clips on the accessory to determine how far it should be from the outside of the rail.  I would also suggest screwing the base down as the track clips will not keep the platform from pushing itslef away from the track instead of opening the roof hatch on the car.



Thanks.  So I would probably be best to wait until I have it in the final position on the layout -- I was anxious to get started and was wiring it up and trying to show my stepkids what it would do until I get the rest of the track I want to put down and have a permanent home for it.


I messed with the helipad some more, still not much luck.  It's novel and it impressed my 5-year-old stepdaughter, but 7-year-old stepson said "Why does it keep crashing?"  LOL.

Looks like I'm not alone:


Apparently the spring is the issue with these helipads and later helicopter cars.  I read a similar report here in a Lionel Collector's Newsletter from shortly after these were reissued:




SO, the solution for it is either a new spring, or deal with the poor performance, or sell it. 


Ahh well, I still have the ice house to fix up and look forward to, either way!


Thanks all!

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