Saw clip of this layout display on YouTube. Anybody have knowledge of the under the platform loop used for this illusion? What is size of loop and grade? While it used tubular track what would be Fastrack equivalent? Posted pictures of underside view or "hidden" track and/or trackplan would be appreciated as well as possible conversion to equivalent Fastrack pieces. Thanks.
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The disappearing train in a tunnel is a very old Lionel trick layout. I think it dates back to the fifties.
Basicly the train runs into a tunnel then drops down a grade that goes under the platform. When at the bottom it returns to climb back up and out the other portal of the tunnel.
It has been built with O-31 track but I think the Lionel O-36 Fast track or even O-42 would be alot better. The grade must be steep enough for the train to clear the base board of the platform but still have enough distance to make the return climb out.
A ten percent grade would be best, but it must be balanced with the heavy cars in front so as not to pull the lighter cars off the track on that steep grade.
This will get you under the platform and back up in a short enough distance to be accomplished in a four foot long tunnel.
Basicly it's in one portal, down, around, back up and out the other portal.
The object is to make the tunnel as short as possible. A perfect effect would be to have an eight foot long train disappear into a one foot long tunnel and then come out the other end after a few seconds. Of course we all know this could never be done with a one foot tunnel, but a four foot tunnel is possible.
This can be done if the down grade and up grade tracks where side by side and the two portals where off set to match the tracks double grade.
Have fun.
Beautiful Rob. One picture is worth a thousand words.