I bought this accessory from Ebay. The mechanism works fine so the accessory is a good candidate for restoration. The problem is that the ends of the two plastic yellow levers on the underside have crumbled (deteriorated) due to age/dry rot. The larger of the two levers (415-14 perhaps ? http://pictures.olsenstoy.com/cd/accs/acc415pl.pdf) is rotated mechanically by the action of the soloniod and is attached to the figure. The smaller one (415-15 ?) is attached to the bottom of the diesel hose that is pushed out by the figure as he emerges from the station house. The damaged of this smaller lever is the one attached to the bottom of the hose.
I have searched unsuccessfully for these parts several Lionel postwar sites (e.g., traintender, Olsen's, East Coast, Brasseur's, Dr. Tinker). I think I can repair/rebuild the damaged ends. I would greatly appreciate a picture of the underside of a fully functional station in order to see the correct positions of these levers and how they are intended to interact with each other. E-mail: dabr0556@hotmail.com or reply to this post. Thanks in advance.
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