I have recently noticed that I am unable to use the mic key on my dcs remote to send audio to any of my engines (10 3 rail O gauge ). I do have the latest code installed (4.20) on the remote and tiu. I have tested both of the protocast ports on the tiu and they both work great. I do not have an extra remote so using that as a troubleshooting option is not available. The same goes for the tiu. This seems to have occurred after I updated from 4.10 to 4.20. The second issue I am having is the quickset speed will not increment. When I select the engine and press select again the quickset screen displays. When I rotate the wheel to try and increment the speed it does not increment. All other functions seem to work just fine. I can run my engines with the thumbwheel and navigate the menus just fine with it. Thanks in advance for help anyone can provide.
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If you don't have a lot of data, you can try a TIU and Remote Reset. If that doesn't work I would reload the software in TIU and Remote. G
FWIW, the dispatch feature is kinda' buggy, and it sometimes will lock things out totally until you press the mic key a couple of times.
Thanks for the replies. I reset the tiu and remote which did not help. I just reloaded the 4.20 dcs software on both the remote and tiu with still no change. Any other ideas? Maybe I am just an unlucky one that has a unique problem. Thanks again.
I could be wrong, but I believe the way you describe quickset speed working is correct. If you select quickset, you enter your speed via the number keys. If you want to scroll in quickset, why use it, you can scroll in the normal mode.
Thanks for the info on quickset speed! I knew that! It has been some time since I operated my layout and I forgot that. Well the number keys worked. Thanks for that. Now if I could just figure out why the mic portion is not working I think it will all be back to normal. Thanks again.
Exactly what happens when you attempt to use the Mic buton on the remote?
I hear a slight popping sound from the train speaker and a very slight bit of audio when i speak into the mic.
Since engine sounds cease when you press the Mic button, it appears that the Mic is activating OK.
Some remotes require that you almost have to "eat" the microphone in order to get it to work. Get it as close as possible to your mouth when using it.
Or do what I do now, ignore that feature.