One of my clients had a Hudson NYC 30-1146-1. He claimed it was hardly used and that may be factual. It does not show any wear or even dirt on the rollers and wheels. Anyhow he has since passed but before he got real sick he ask if I would take the Engine as he knew I loved MTH. I paid him a minimual amount as he did not want much for it just a good home. I have since found out that this is a PS2 Engine. Since I only own PS3 I have been reading with interest the different post here. Some where I think I saw something about PS2 Batteries and if they are white to remove them. I finally got around to opening the box ( had it for 1 and a half years now ) and decided to open the tender ( manual said battery was there ) and look at the battery before trying to run it. I discovered a WHITE battery. I unhooked the battery and then examined the battery compartment. I discovered 2 things. The battery and surrounding areas show no sign of any corrosion, white flakes or anything else. And it appears that you have to remove the circuit boards to get to the screws to remove the battery. Seems Like a lot of work to change a battery.
My questions are : 1. Do I need to change the battery, 2. If so how do I get it out. Finally 3. What do I replace it with?
Thanks in advance.