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I run my small 4x8 layout in conventional with MTH Z-1000s. 


I've got two PS3 engines currently, a Dash 8 diesel and 0-6-0, both Railking Imperial units. 


Per standard operating procedure, the PS3 locos sit with lights on about 20-30 seconds before coming on. 


Occasionally, and very occasionally, upon power up, the 0-6-0 will come on in full lights, sound, smoke, etc. If I cycle voltage to 0 and back up to cycle the reverse unit, it will immediately go silent and come on silent with lights, as it should in stead of forward. After 20-30 seconds, it runs fine even though it started up in full lights/sound, etc. 


I've also found that if it comes on in full lights and sound and some and let it still it in idle 20-30 seconds, it will still perform as it should. 



Obviously, something isn't telling the capacitors to charge or keep the engine quiet. Anyone have this issue? I have not had this happen on the Dash 8. In addition, I tested an engine I was considering purchasing at my LHS this morning, an MTH RTR 2-8-0 loco with PS3 and immediately came up in full sound, lights, smoke, etc on the test track. When cycling into forward, it died. Upon power up again, it sat quite, EXACTLY like my 0-6-0. I did not purchase the engine as I felt something wasn't right with that behavior. 


What would the repair be on this? Any cost estimates?

Last edited by SJC
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I imagine some of this is software related with a little of hardware design.  Not sure it has anything to do with the capacitor charging.


Power is available, and the processor is activating functions despite the capacitor not full charged, or maybe it has enough residual charge.


The new PS-32 board runs the fan motor during shutdown.  I have seen firmware in PS-2 that allows the markers to remain on, or come on before startup.  G

Thanks all for the info. Sorry for not getting back sooner. 


This 0-6-0 was delivered in 2013. The Dash 8 2012(?) but has no issues. . Like I said, a brand new 2015/14 2-8-0 did the same thing yesterday morning. 


G - You don' think this is a board/cap/etc issue but more software? Would reloading the sound file help?

Last edited by SJC
Originally Posted by SJC:

Thanks all for the info. Sorry for not getting back sooner. 


This 0-6-0 was delivered in 2013. The Dash 8 2012(?) but has no issues. . Like I said, a brand new 2015/14 2-8-0 did the same thing yesterday morning. 


G - You don' think this is a board/cap/etc issue but more software? Would reloading the sound file help?

Yes more firmware as Barry stated.  What the processor does with the information of charge state, track power and such is determined by that firmware.  The firmware has been evolving for PS-3.


I would not reload the original, but agree a call to MTH would be in order.   G

Originally Posted by Riverrailfan:
I agree with Barry. My alco S2 will run in stealth mode  with DCS and my 0-8-0 does not.  I would let the engine power up for 1 minute before running to allow the super caps to fully charge.

That is probably because your 0-8-0 has the new "start up" on moving feature and won't run in stealth mode like PS2 and earlier PS3s. 



Thanks Barry & G. I'll give MTH a call this week. 

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