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My layout will be all GG Flex. I have test bent some but not a lot. Most of what I've read and seen have you bend to an item about the same diameter as the radii you want.  Some have used barrels others jigs made from wood. The jig should have a end where you 'lock' in the end of the track and an edge with the radii needed. You palce the track in the lock end and walk it around the jig. Pretty sure GG has videos out there on the site or YouTube showing this method.


The video is at the bottom of this page........

Use a round template approximately the radius of your curve.  Mark a curve with a line that will be the inside of the track ties on your roadbed,  

Pre-bend flex-track  on a flat & even plane. The track will want to straighten so over bend slightly. If you are butting against  a square end of a switch or track, then,cut the piece you have just bent so rails mate leaving the other rails staggered  Use a Dremel cutoff tool.

Pre-bend the next section as before,mate the the shortest rail first. then use a small hammer and a block of wood to tap the center rail through the ties until it mates. Do the same to the other outside rail while making sure the ties follow your radius line and temporarily fasten the track. Continue on being sure to follow your line.

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