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So, I recently purchased/unpacked an O gauge ready-built structure by Woodland Scenics.  These are large buildings, as most of you know.  The black plastic packaging base and the larger clear packaging cover are of no use to me once the item has been removed.  

I'm not a 'tree-hugger' by nature (pun in there, I guess!), but our township does provide a weekly recycling pick-up service.  The only requirement (?) is that all items therein be marked with the appropriate recycling triangular symbol, designating the specific material of which it's made.  In this case, those large Woodland plastic packaging pieces had no designation.

So........I called Woodland.  This evening I got a phone call/reply.   They're Polystyrene.....which would receive a '6' designation.  I asked 'How come they're not so marked?'.  To which the reply was, it's not been their practice........    HOWEVER, the representative indicated that she would treat this as a customer request and file a recommendation for change of practice.ps6

Well.......we'll see.  But in the meantime, if you have an opportunity to recycle these particular items, be so advised.

FWIW, always.......of course.



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Last edited by dkdkrd
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Living in the Pacific NW, not recycling can be a stoning offense. I see no reason not to do it as I have to pay for the service if I use it or not, so I do.

That said, I've read so many news stories over the years where recycling and trash are all dumped into the same landfill, I really wonder how much recyclables I place in the right bin are actually being recycled.

p51 posted:

That said, I've read so many news stories over the years where recycling and trash are all dumped into the same landfill, I really wonder how much recyclables I place in the right bin are actually being recycled.

It's a chicken-or-egg problem. If there is no market for recycled materials, they will end up  in the landfill. But, if there is no reliable supply of such materials, no demand will develop. If we don't recycle, there will be no reliable supply. 

Gotta start somewhere.

We have weekly recycle pick up as well, part of the weekly trash pick up. They have some rules about what they will take, but it's almost all plastics like that, but no plastic bags as in from the grocery store (we take those back to the store, they take them). If it looks like it could be recycled it goes in the container for pick up. I think it was good of you to call about it and also good of WS to consider marking it properly so others will know for sure. Thanks for posting.

Looks like I need to talk to MTH about the same issue....  I just discovered a couple of RailTown buildings I'd stashed under the layout, still in their packaging......virtually identical to the Woodland packaging.   (Hmmmmm.....I wonder?......Could it be?.....maybe?.....)  And, no, their black plastic base and clear plastic cover also do not have a recycle symbol.   

Think I'll send a friendly 'jab' on the forum's "Manufacturer's" site...  

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