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I have some MTH Rail King 2-8-0 Consolidations and Rail King 2-6-0 Switchers that I want to re-letter and re-number from Pennsylvania to Long Island. Also I have some plastic Rail King passenger cars I want to re-letter. How can the factory lettering & numbers be removed without damaging the finishes underneath? Will Micro Sol work? The new lettering and numbers will be water type decals.

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The types of paints used varies between die cast & plastics. For die cast, I have been very successful using lacquer thinner on a q-tip. Just barely damp, and wipe numbers & letters away. Trick is do not get aggressive, and use it sparingly, changing the q-tip frequently to mop up the smears. Do not flood or puddle! ….after you’ve been successful, allow the area to “heal” for 24 hours.……I’ve never had any luck on plastics doing a successful letter & number wipe away, so I can’t speak on those materials. Try the suggestions above for plastics…..


Last edited by harmonyards

For plastics. I’m not sure of any method that won’t involve touching up the painting if it’s pad printed lettering. The lettering seems to be imbedded in the paint. Really fine sandpaper and the use water. Like wet sanding an auto will work. Problem is any lettering that’s placed over or near a rivet will probably need to be touched up with the base color.
If you have a compressor. I’ve had good results using a Paasche air eraser and a very mild abrasive. Has the fine control of an airbrush and you can mask around around the area. It does make a mess but on most cars you can remove the lettering and leave the paint under it intact if your careful.  Will leave a dull finish which you maybe just be able to hit with some gloss and decal. The last thing you want is to apply heavy coats of paint to try and cover up what was there.

Thanks all for your replies. It appears there are several techniques to remove factory lettering except for those on painted plastic car bodies. I have on the shelf lacquer thinner, acetone, brake fluid & 90% alcohol to experiment with.  I am purchasing Micro Sol to try. Scratching the lettering with an eraser is a good idea, so I will do it. I will post the technique that works the best on my MTH trains.

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