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When your locomotive fails to move smoothly, starting and stopping along the way, it is often because the E Unit lever has come loose over time.  Rather than totally rebuilding the E Unit or replacing it altogether, you can easily tighten the small eyelet holding the lever with the Brakeman's Original Riveter (Smaller automatic center punch rivet tool) and a flat piece of metal or simply a butter knife.

The goal is to affectively tighten the eyelet.  First, you may need to bend the solder lug with needle nose pliers to make room for your backup of the eyelet.  Make sure the lever is not resting in the contact position.    Support the eyelet with your butter knife or flat piece of metal so it doesn't move when you engage the riveter.  A successful repair depends on how firmly you hold the E Unit when re-staking.  (See attached picture) Avoid being overly aggressive with the eyelet.  A couple of good shots with your spring-loaded rivet tool should be sufficient.


Images (1)
  • IMG_1145: Re-staking E Unit Eyelet
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